So how many homeless people got housed this week?

Everybody’s always celebrating each other in Burbank, aren’t they?

How many people were housed?


Always the Organization Town.

Established in 2010 as a part of the national Family Promise organization, the beginning of a transitional period in 2015 resulted in Home Again L.A., which, under Hernandez’s leadership, revitalized their branding, strategies, resources, services, programs and partnerships.

That was also the year the HALA board of directors made the decision to stage an annual gala fundraiser and created two significant recognitions: the Impact Award, which honors an individual, business or nonprofit group that has provided influential positive support to the homeless, and the Hands On, Hearts In Award, which lauds a person or entity that has, beyond financial support, volunteered physical assistance in their dedication to HALA’s mission.

Lots of organizing going on. Lots of pecking orders and ceremonies and honors.

Where’s the housing for the homeless? Where are the shelters?

The single homeless?


Lazar, who died in June of 2023, was a former senior planner with the city of Burbank and served on HALA’s board for seven years. Far beyond her boardroom service, she was instrumental in securing a day center for unhoused families to shower, do laundry, have access to a computer, and establish a relationship with a case worker. She also worked tirelessly to enlist numer-ous local faith-based organizations to provide shelter for families in need and was often found in various church and temple kitchens helping to prepare meals for those families.


It’s always families in Burbank that are the concern. Families families families.

The single homeless?

They can get out of town. It’s so disgusting the constant favoritism and neglect, and self-congratulations.




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Congratulations for what? Another crappy graduation ceremony on the field?

Here’s an idea for a keepsake.

Instead of stupid tchotchkes, why don’t these Burbank High moms and dads and community members demand to have the kids’ graduations up at the Starlight Bowl instead? Like where they used to be for over 60 years?


If they respected the kids more they wouldn’t be making them hang out together off of Glenoaks at something called the “Kemp-Kallem Field,” named for two guys btw who were brothers-in-law PE teachers — which of course is the perfect Burbank nightmare-combination of sports and families who marry each other and never leave.

The Starlight Bowl ceremonies were cool. Too cool and full of gravitas for now, obviously. How cheap.

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That creaky noise we’ve been hearing coming down off of Airway today isn’t some new special effect from the Imagineers.

It’s the sound of a huge can of worms getting opened by the top brass on Buena Vista.


Walt Disney World’s new Disability Access Service (DAS) is now in effect and is only available to guests with a developmental disability such as autism or a similar disorder.

In-person registration for DAS at the parks has been eliminated, and all applications for the service must be done via live video chat available from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time

The new policy is aimed at addressing the misuse of this widely used benefit, which skips conventional queue environments at the parks, and tries to ensure that DAS is used fairly and only by those who truly need it, improving the park experience for all guests.

DAS is intended for guests with difficulty tolerating extended waits in a conventional queue environment due to a disability. DAS offers return times for attractions, similar to standby waits, allowing guests and their party to enjoy other park experiences instead of waiting in line. Disney has dramatically narrowed the scope of eligibility and now says that DAS is for guests with a “developmental disability like autism or similar.” The new DAS also extends the enrollment period from 60 days to 120 days, and reduces the DAS party size to four guests.


So if you show up in a wheelchair you’re out of luck, but if you tell them on a video chat that you’re on the spectrum that’ll get you off the line.

Like what could possibly go wrong?

Since just about everyone in the country now under the age of 55 is exhibiting clear signs of at least a temporary case of Asperger’s, and one or two or three forms of mental illness together is the fashionable thing to have now, this big new change of policy is gonna be fun to watch.

Pretty soon there won’t be any lines.


Disney is facing increasing abuse of the system, which, according to sources who spoke with WDWMAGIC, is the primary cause for extended wait times in the Genie+ Lightning Lanes and occupies a significant quantity of available Lightning Lane inventory.


We first heard years ago that showing up with grandma in a wheelchair got you special privileges at Disneyland. Is it no surprise that this would have gotten abused?






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And then they ruined the place a few years later

And finally, completely wiped it out when the century turned.

Somebody back then in the early 1950s got the bright idea to want to “harmonize” all of the school plants to make them look as much alike as possible. And so Burbank High soon needed to be made to have the same architectural style as the brand new John Muir and Jefferson up the street…


That meant louvers and lots of right-angles and cement walls.

Photograph caption dated October 17, 1950 reads, “Burbank High School, dignified and commodious unit of the public school system of Burbank and goal of the more than 14,000 enrollees. Its graduates are hailed as coming from one of the finest public education plants in the West, where good teaching and parent understanding are the rule.”


We used to ask the old timers if anyone had ever spoken out against all of this dumb remodeling when it first occurred. They said, “No, not at the time,” but then later on everyone would say something like, “Gee those old schools sure looked great, didn’t they!”




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Jonny’s right

Bring back the stamps stores and bookstores — meaning like real books!

From today’s Burbank page…


Although we won’t even go that far — all this “dark” stuff is just too dark for us here. It’s also dumb — these are very shallow preoccupations and interests. Cast them all to Hell!

Sweetness and light, peace and freedom, truth and beauty — these are rare delicacies enough! And at one time, quite often found in Burbank. At least we never had a problem there.


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It’s time to kick out Burbank’s worse-than-useless YIMBY progressives

Since the “progressives” are not going to bring rent control to Burbank then you might want to think about voting in the conservative faction to help save your neighborhoods.


If the progressives we voted into city government a few years ago won’t institute much needed local rent control (8+ percent annual rent increases as the norm now, anyone?) — which they obviously won’t (after we saw last month’s wasted appearance by those hard-working tenants’ groups) — then what’s the point of even having them in there? They just rubber-stamp everything else that bubbles up from staff.

When’s the last time you heard any dissent from them that was directed against staff members? The Ted and Bob and Dr. Gordon days are long gone.

Burbank would be much better off bringing in the old-fashioned conservative neighborhood protectionists during the next election. There’s nothing more depressing than seeing Democratic liberals and progressives actually cheerleading these big money out-of-town developers and helping them have their way with their free market, no-regulations economic bullshit. Remember the days when liberals would push back on the self-serving libertarians?

The bought-and-paid-for Laura Friedman is a major culprit here when it comes to shilling for every bad and counterproductive or mythologically based housing idea around, but your Burbank branch isn’t much better. They’re all worse than useless to the cause of helping make life better for the rest of us.

Unless of course you’re really into Dolores Huerta or weeping over the fate of the long-gone Tongvas. But please, spare us (at least) from this feel-good baloney. Save your neighborhoods first.


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It’s not their “last meeting of the year”

It may be the school board’s last public Thursday night meeting, but they’ll be meeting often during the rest of this school year — and during the summer — for negotiation updates and consultations, disciplinary hearings, budget study sessions, the works.


In fact, the school board meets all the time during the weekdays well beyond Thursday night. Sometimes it’ll just be a quorum of three and for only a few hours, but these governing boards have to meet to help with a school district’s regular business and it’s much more often than most people know.

So are these meetings not being agendized any more? They’re usually closed sessions, but interestingly, employees who are affected by a personal disciplinary hearing have the right to make theirs go public under the Ed. Code.

This rarely happens, but it’s their right under the law.

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(Try auto-translate in the new YouTube app)


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What a warm and friendly presence

She just drips with soulfulness, doesn’t she?

You can just feel her strong sense of artistic receptivity and sensitive, empathetic understanding of others. The Hallmark of a great actor!

Just one thing though.

Whatever you do, don’t try to direct her. She doesn’t take advice well at all. And apparently everyone around in her business now thinks that’s just great. It’s the way to be.

Because it’s…



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That means unconditionally, right?

This is from the same City of Burbank which not too long ago had to spend almost $15 million in attorneys fees+ in order to protect this same police force of theirs from the legal system and the FBI.

Btw, when’s the last time you heard any negative public comments or news stories or anything at all derogatory about the BPD?

Besides here?

For instance … what was the result of the outside use-of-force state investigation into that BPD shooting last year over at Home Depot?

Was it ever presented to the police commission?

We don’t recall it being on their agenda recently. In fact, we rarely see anything on the agendas for those meetings. Their agendas are always empty of specifics.

Such rude questions, yes!

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When did restaurants become the “heart and soul” of Burbank?

This is a Chamber event, not city. So why is the city promoting this special-interest get-together where the participants obviously want something out of them, and why is it happening now?


What in the world can the city do to help anyone’s online experience with a restaurant, or with anything else?

Parking problems maybe, but where are the city issues here? Also, why isn’t the general public being invited?

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Terrible name

Even worse logo.

In about two years this’ll be a confused and complicated FAST platform for sports that leaves out the ‘F’ part.

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They worked

Those creepy boomers. When they weren’t preying upon women and minorities in between colonializing the continents, just what did they do?

Here’s what they didn’t do: They didn’t play around as much with the hardware, nor did they managerially obsess over process vs product. The products were also mostly real, like, in tangible form.


“It’s important to recognize that millennials, Gen Z, and the later years of Gen X grew up with vast advancements in technology,” they said. “These groups are digital natives, which means they tend to have an automatic understanding of it. They typically take less time getting up to speed with new technologies. And they can often suggest technological solutions in the workplace to increase productivity and output.”

What we’ve witnessed is that they waste a lot of time on getting into the weeds about everything. Life and business (especially) has become so very convoluted. And it’s all business now.

In other words, they never ask, “Do you really need this stuff…?”

Notice how the fact that it was the boomers who INVENTED all of this technology never seems to get mentioned in these articles and generational observations? Thanks, grandma and grampa.






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Memories of Esther E.

There are probably only about three or four people left in town now who even know what we’re talking about…

This used to be a much more common sight back when Esther lived right at the “T.”

Some of these news stories are getting it wrong. They say the owner of the “pink house” was always trying to get the city to buy them out. It was the other way around — Esther wouldn’t move.

She and her multi-extended family liked the house and she thought it was a scheme to get rid of her. A convenient by-product it would have been, sure.


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At least they look right

He’s doing it in French thank goodness. Anything else — and most all American filmmakers would be doing it the other way — would look idiotic.

It’s important that they act right as well. People moved differently back then — more aloof, more reserved, less “out there” — and few young actors now would know this fact or even want to be accurate towards it. Women especially behaved differently — more introspective and neurotic, less badass.

With Americans it’s all about doing star-turns. Me me me — art is about self-expression, and that means ME!



Maybe Europe’s the place to be again. They also like old stuff too.

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Did the LGBTQ+ kids club there have a booth?

Or maybe a float or something, and sealed in plastic for their safety and protection?


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Burbank Public Library to offer future community workshops in hair straightening and skin bleaching

More from the “Burbank will always be Burbank” folder, which we notice has been thickening up a bit lately. What is it now, like 1919 or something?

This is mind-numbingly wacky, if not offensive.


Have there been requests or complaints among the local employers about this, like when they used to want classes in blueprint reading? Gotta iron out all those rough edges we guess.

Who thought this was a neat idea for anyone to want to do, let alone a library?




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Such mean-spirited arrogance and conceit

And, intolerance.

We would have thanked this old woman instead for her obvious interest and input. What she wrote was probably also kind of interesting, at least historically…


There was absolutely nothing wrong with what this other older actress did.

This kind of attempted dialog actually used to be pretty common in the old theater and criticism/literary world — and this woman’s outraged reaction to it reminds us of how Pauline Kael was badmouthed after her death because as “a critic” she would often have the audacity to actually contact actors and directors directly and tell them about their work.

How offensive!


“I did do a play once. The last time I was on stage, I did a play called ‘Talley’s Folly’ at the Roundabout, and the actress — and I’m going to say this, and I’m not going to ask you to cut this out, because I don’t f—ing care — this actress came to the play. Her name is Trish Hawkins — Hi, Trish! Hi, Trisha!” Paulson said. “Trish Hawkins came to the play — am I going to get sued? I don’t care, because I think this is outrageous.”

She continued, “She came to the play, proceeded to say — she looked at me up and down and then she went, ‘Your dress is yellow. Mine was pink.’ And I thought, ‘What?’”

Hawkins originated the role of Sally Talley in “Talley’s Folly” both during its 1979 off-Broadway run and its Broadway debut in 1980. In 2013, Paulson played the same character in an off-Broadway revival of the Lanford Wilson play.

According to Paulson, her own mother had brought Hawkins with her to watch “Talley’s Folly” because they were “in some kind of writing group together.”

“Cut to two days later, I got an email that was six pages long of notes and a communication to me about what she had done when she had done the play, what she recommended I do,” Paulson added. “It was outrageous. It was really outrageous. Trish Hawkins, I have not forgotten it, and I hope to see you never.”


It’s not outrageous. You’re an asshole, and just once we’d like to see someone stand up to these public figures on these panels and TV shows and challenge their constant disdainfulness and self-righteous intolerance and smug silencing of everything they take personally or don’t happen to like.

This is one more reason to hate most younger people nowadays, especially those high profile. They are so completely full of themselves — and just so uncool.

They’re always annoyed or creeped out or “offended” by something or another and it’s getting to be tedious. And then they want to retaliate or destroy. Fuck them all, really — we’re getting to the point where we almost want Donald Trump to get reelected in November just to teach these arrogant scolds a lesson.

Give them something to really be resentful over and complain about. It’s also one more reason to hate most actors — with most of this crowd it’s a ridiculous craft they’re a part of, if you can even call it that. What they do is piffle.


The podcast hosts — fellow actors Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes and Will Arnett — seemed delighted by Paulson’s story. Arnett even told her they’re going to become fast friends because he loves her ability to hold grudges for more than a decade “so fucking much.”

Ha ha ha ha ha.

See why we go to Polish and European film schools for inspiration, and old books and music? These people who are around us now are all intellectual losers.

They just don’t have it. They just don’t get it, and they don’t care. There are so many toxic morons around now and it’s becoming difficult to get away from them. They’ve destroyed the old zeitgeist, that’s for sure.

But it is possible, and the solutions — aside from having to live like the Unabomber or a Tibetan Monk — are interesting to ponder. And then do.

It’s not personally hopeless, you kids of conscience and sensitivity. Those few of you that are still around!







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Can you imagine going to this kind of effort to screw over a longtime tenant that your parents had been helping out?

This second generation Burbank landlord inherited the building. Oh, we’re sorry— apparently they’re now called “housing providers” in Burbank. Not landlords.

At almost any time in the past the previous landlord (his father) could have raised the rent on this longtime disabled tenant but he didn’t. So the heir wants to kick the tenant out because the rent is too low.


This attorney is a little behind on how the state and local law works regarding forcible evictions. It would also involve the expenditure of tens of thousands of dollars in order to justify a construction exemption. Is that really worth the effort?

It’s always the wrong kids who get all the benefits, isn’t it? Oh, the stories we could tell you about awful Burbankers.

Keep in mind too that this landlord-heir can still raise the rent 8.5 percent a year. In two years that would be 25 percent.

The comments on this Reddit piece are amazing, if you haven’t seen them already. It’s obviously time for rent control and more tenant protections in Burbank. The last four years have proven this.

Always remember too that no one forces anyone to go into the landlording business. You’d never know this listening to some of these self-aggrieved local “Mom and Pops.” The housing market is also fixed one that the customers can’t turn away from, and the customers are paying the landlords’ mortgages to boot.

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More garishness and ugliness

We know Modernism’s dead, but there’s no excuse for any of this clutter.


It can also be a dangerous distraction.

Imagine how dirty this colorful crap is going to get in about six months. Think it’ll be there in six years?



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Notice what’s missing here?

MyBurbank did an interesting piece last week about retail crime at the Empire Center, although the conclusion is not as desperate as they’re trying to make it out be. The Empire Center is where most of the stores are now and so it would figure that that’s where the crime is.

But notice here what big and popular store is missing from the overall citywide numbers?

Aldi. Does no one shoplift at Aldi?

The number of shoplifting incidents that turn into Estes’ robberies (getaway assaults) that MyBurbank found is a bit alarming. But look at who comes into Burbank these days.

It’s definitely a different clientele than the Americana. Being Burbank as well, you also have to wonder how many of these claimed Estes’ crimes are actually just a shoplifter seen running away or trying to get away when noticed and then deliberately misreported by the cops or store managers.

Estes has to involve the use force or fear in a confrontation with the store employee, like pulling a knife or pushing someone away. Not just escaping or trying to escape when caught, or simply noticed or yelled at by the store when getting away.

We guarantee you that a lot of these Estes’ charges in Burbank aren’t really Estes.

Because hey, it’s Burbank.

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How can you be gay when you’re not sexually active and are prepubescent to boot?

There’s nothing offensive or disturbing about this. It’s just completely ridiculous.



Say what?

Superintendent John Paramo addressed Burbank parents at a Board of Education meeting on Thursday after some members of the community voiced complaints that they were not notified about the formation of a “rainbow club” at Joaquin Miller Elementary School.

The club was founded by two fourth-grade students with the goal of creating a safe space for LGBTQ+ students and allies and provide for an environment away from stress or bullying, according to one public speaker who said they were a parent at the school. She stressed that the purpose of the club is for any child to feel welcome without judgement, regardless of identity.

“These are kids that are trying to find a spot where they can feel accepted, safe and supported — even if it’s for 15 minutes. That’s important and they need to have that,” Paramo said, adding that the club could be lifesaving for some children.


For LGBTQ children? They’re not sexually active!

Accepted, safe, and supported in exactly what?

A group of parents accused the school and district of “operating in secrecy” by not sending notices about the formation and intent of the club, though issuing a public notice for a school club is not required by law.

Some parents said they didn’t object to the club itself, but asked for transparency from the district as to its nature. Others accused school staff of brainwashing children, calling the club inappropriate.

The Leader is omitting the names of students and parents who spoke at the Board meeting to protect the identity and privacy of children.

“We were never told about this new club especially about such a club that is all about sexual orientation and is very inappropriate for young kids to be exposed to,” said one woman, who said she was as a parent at the school, and does not agree with the club’s creation. “This is not acceptable in an elementary school.”

Other parents, who said their students attend club meetings, defended the creation of the group and emphasized that it is not sexual in nature. One mother was in tears talking about the experience her child had prior to the rainbow club.

We’ve had a very difficult journey this year with bullying,” she said. “I never thought I would be a parent who worried about childhood suicide. It’s been a very real fear and concern in our family.”

Bullied for what? Having gay sex?

Not wanting to play football? Wanting to play the clarinet instead?

They’re not having sex. There are no football teams in elementary school, nor instrumental music ensembles to tease anyone about. Gay 10-year-olds are not going after each other in public in the hallways. There’s nothing to orient themselves over either because they’re prepubescent. Or is exploratory same-sex sex play in children now considered to be something to encourage and support?

A wonderful expression of a child’s humanity and sensitivity?

So if some neighbor boy is playing doctor with a neighbor girl down the street with the same sense of sexual wonderment and interest or confusion, you’re gonna get behind that as well, you BUSD and parents? A warm and nurturing protective support group for sexually oriented straight kids too?

That’ll be the day. Everyone in the world would be immediately ruining both of their lives about it. It’d be a notorious public police issue in no time.

You really can’t help but come to the conclusion that there’s a heavy duty element of proselytizing that’s going on here. Why are you even talking about this with little kids?

Why are you sexualizing them at such a young age, eh?







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And which is exactly what?

We’ve noticed over the years that this group does a lot of “convening” to elect full slates of board officers and directors and then charges yearly dues and such to become a member, but exactly what do they do?

We also remember that at one time the city council and assorted staff members from city hall had some outside input influence on this group and its decisions — and which caused quite a few Brown Act-related questions to arise as to the kind of “coordinating” they were in fact doing.

So they give charity baskets to poor families during the holidays (not single adults?), and some summer “camperships” to a few local kids in town (do kids still go to camp?)

What else?

It’s basically a service club for the sake of being a service club, right? In the old days pre-FDR and LBJ it might have had a real purpose for existence back when local charities and churches were about the only place you could go for help, but now what?

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This is when you know that you’ve been somewhere for way too long



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Another reminder that no one creative wants to live in Burbank



At least not if they can afford Atwater or above. Burbank’s a good place to get off the bus for a while, sure, and which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Lol this constant LaTerra developer hype is hilarious. Do real people write this stuff or is it AI?


Burbank, a powerhouse destination for media giants like Walt Disney World Headquarters and Warner Bros/Discovery, is slated to experience a notable transformation with nearly 1,000 new housing units and multiple hotels on the horizon, according to a report by What Now Los Angeles. Spearheading this growth is LaTerra Development’s mixed-use project featuring 573 housing units, expected to open doors by January 2025, which is now under construction adjacent to Downtown Burbank’s Metrolink station.

The multi-use complex, according to LaTerra’s official documentation, will include an impressive 40,000-square-foot rooftop deck with a lavish pool, stylistic spa, cozy cabanas, and fuel-efficient fire pits, as well as a transit plaza spreading across 30,000 square feet; furthermore, a 307-room hotel will cater to the needs of visiting professionals and tourists alike, details obtained from LaTerra Development reveal. LaTerra’s Managing Director Chris Tourtellotte emphasized the development’s synergy with Burbank’s creative sector, stating, “What we are building is designed ideally for the creative workforce that drives the city’s entertainment sector.”


Strategic effort. They’re doing Burbank a wonderful favor:


First Street Village is another significant player in this urban reshuffle, adding 275 apartments intertwined with 18,876 square feet of retail real estate—not to be outshimmered, the proposed AC Hotel is expected to dazzle with a six-story, 196-room business travelers’ retreat, complete with high-end amenities according to the report by What Now Los Angeles. These developments are a part of a strategic effort to bridge Burbank’s job-rich but housing-scarce market which currently posts a staggering 3.5 jobs per household, the highest ratio in California. With every brick in place, the economic landscape of downtown Burbank is priming up for an influx of new residents and rising local business revenues.


Besides the ridiculousness of trying to slide by the fact that a good portion of these 3.5 jobs aren’t at least in part entry level teen-oriented, the major fallacy behind all of these bought-and-paid-for YIMBY fantasies about local life is that they automatically conclude that employees who work in Burbank all want to live in Burbank.

Tell that to the executive class, or to anyone who makes more than 50 thou a year. Not everyone wants to live in Burbank if given a choice.


The entire undertaking is set against a backdrop of established entertainment venues and gastronomic delights with Flapper’s Comedy Club, Finney’s Crafthouse, and Urban Press Winery already contributing to the city’s lively milieu, and nine additional shops and eateries queued up for a grand opening in 2024, a milestone that seems to herald a favorable uptick for merchants and restaurateurs in the area. For high flyers and support staff alike in the city known as the “Media Capital of the World,” this expansion is not just a real estate trend but a promise of an enhanced lifestyle, heavily punctuated by connectivity, sustainability, and city vibrancy that align well with the creative pulse of Burbank.


Vibrancy is a word that has not once ever been applied to the City of Burbank. Who needs it anyway? There’s nothing restful or genteel about vibrancy, and to hell with “connectedness” too. Leave us alone. Stay away.

These developers and their shills and flacks from both the inside and the outside are going to ruin what’s left of what’s good about Burbank.






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Oh, come on. Those animals had to be destroyed

As we always have to keep reminding people who dont believe it, we’re totally socialist around here and absolutely hate Republicans. But this continuing pile-on job against Kristi Noem has become borderline crazy…

We despise her politics, but this woman has been making perfect sense when defending herself.

“Murdered her dog”? That’s such pious, dishonest bullshit.

Those animals in question all had to be put down — the dangerous dog in particular. Ask any vet or lawyer — if the owner hadn’t done it the courts certainly would have. It had killed other animals and bitten people and strangers repeatedly.

Sadly, these decisions have to be made all the time, especially with older and sick animals like her two horses. So why the “liberal” networks and journalists are carrying on as if this woman was a Gestapo kommandant from the Middle Border is beyond offensive. Our only problem with her is that she probably should have reserved it for someone else to perform, like a vet.

There’s nothing wrong with what Kristi Noem did. The way she did it might have been a little weird and overly willful, but we don’t live on a farm or in the country where these sorts of actions are routine. And normal they are.

Really, the utter dishonesty of these “liberals” on TV now, or anyone else who’s joining in on the sanctimony. “Animal cruelty”? Jesus Christ, like these MSNBC people tonight would really tolerate a documentedly dangerous dog like Cricket living next door.

They’d be the first ones screaming about it — in-between kissing each other’s asses and playing to the most righteous and demonizing sentiments possible in their audience. They play their rubes as much as FOX News does their stupid audience.

Again, the most apt word for this is “hypocrisy.” Every family has had to put down a pet at one time or another. These farm and barnyard animals clearly fit the need to do so.

It’s all very sad. Where can you go these days to find progressive opinion that’s fair-minded and trustworthy and not ridiculously trivial or off-base unreasonable? It’s a lonely world now if you have half a brain and try to deal with things in good faith and understanding.


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This is a great news story

The best of them all so far with details is here in MyBurbank.


Are TV reporters this clueless? Really?


Addressing the media briefly after the 25-year-old Lombardo’s arraignment, Public Defender Chu spoke about how this was “a tragic and unintentional death committed by a loving son.” In response to a reporter’s question regarding the cause of death, Chu would only say “no comment” but then add that there was no weapon involved in Karyn Buckle Lombardo’s death. Several newsmen tried to ask Mr. Chu how there could be an “accidental death” with “no weapon involved,” but he refused to comment further.

The Coroner has ruled that Lombardo’s cause of death was a “Basilar Subarachnoid Hemorrhage” from “Blunt Force Head Trauma.”

It was obviously strangulation or some kind of physical assault like throwing someone down.






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So what is it? Are people really this stupid now?

Or are they just assholes?

You really do have to be completely clueless to think that Apple wasn’t just being cute and satirical here. Like they’re really advocating this destruction?


Give us a fucking break.


Apple took on Thursday the unusual step of apologizing for a short advertising video promoting the company’s new iPad Pro tablet after the ad was roundly criticized on social media.

“Our goal is to always celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves and bring their ideas to life through iPad,” Tor Myhren, vice president of marketing communications at Apple, told Ad age, an advertising trade publication. “We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.”

Apple CEO Tim Cook posted the spot on X, formerly Twitter, on Tuesday. Apple also posted it to YouTube. It showed a variety of creative tools, including a guitar, piano and metronome being pressed by a hydraulic crusher — like recent viral TikTok videos — until all the objects were compressed into the company’s new tablet.

Apple has also decided not to run the ad on TV, Ad Age said.

The news networks are all having a field day with this ridiculous apology right now as well. “Apple really blew it with this one, didn’t they…?” Tsk tsk.

”How could they be so blind?”

Hardly. It’s everyone else who should be apologizing, not Apple. Anyone who takes this ad literally rather than figuratively — that the iPad is a valuable creative tool that can be used for a lot of this old stuff, or in adjunct to it — is a moron. Or worse.

As well as hypocritical. Every media creator who is is supposedly “outraged” by this obviously funny ad uses their iPads or other devices in production work every day. Probably every hour.

No wonder so many stand-up comedians now are retiring from the business. The audiences aren’t just way too touchy now, they’re idiots.

Our philosophy around here is a simple one. If you don’t get the joke, if you don’t get the point, then fuck you.





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How about a “Giving Away Money” meetup?

It’s a better idea than anything else being proposed there.

Or maybe — non-facetiously— the arts?

Sorry. “Media.”

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Here are some things that you’re not going to hear from any other left-winger about today’s Trump trial



Here goes. And remember, we totally hate Donald Trump around here. Hardly apologists…

— A woman who’s been a stripper since the age of 17 and a porn actress since her early 20s with a portfolio of over 150 adult videos is not going to be “baffled and confused” about coming out of the bathroom in some middle-aged guy’s hotel room and seeing him sitting on the bed in his underwear and T-shirt. She may feel a lot of things about what she’s seeing at the time, but baffled and confused and dizzying isn’t one of them.

Of course Stormy Daniels may not have liked what she was dealing with that night, and it doesn’t make Trump’s behavior back then cool or acceptable, but the claim that mental confusion was some kind of realistic response on her part — which we’ve been hearing all night from the TV “liberals” on MSNBC and CNN, and in the blogosphere — is preposterous. How old was she again?

— For the same reason, Daniel’s claim that the sex act itself involved her just lying on her back in a semiconscious state for as long as it lasted is equally absurd. She clearly gave him a performative blowjob just for the sake of her professional reputation alone, at the very least, as well as engaged in other physically aggressive behaviors. Girl on top anyone?

Like Stormy Daniels really wanted the extremely popular Apprentice-era Donald Trump to go around telling all of his buddies that she was a terrible piece of ass? Give us a break, though credulous ones. Does anyone honestly think that she didn’t perform for him no matter how uncomfortable? Or that she just lay on the bed immobile?

What planet are we living on? And such an event would have been rape, right? MSNBC tonight has also btw been deliberately leaving out Daniels’ amazingly contradictory statements to Anderson Cooper a few years ago about whether Trump had dinner with her that night. How come?

Did she have dinner with him or not, and why is she telling two completely different stories? And doesn’t this matter?

— Karen McDougall by contrast has said very little about Donald Trump. They even had a boyfriend/girlfriend kind of thing going on there for several months, if such a relationship can be imagined. Is it any wonder then that the prosecution announced today at the last minute that they wouldn’t be calling her to the stand as planned? That they weren’t going to risk the chance of having the emotional effect of the Stormy Daniels’ stories possibly undermined by a more friendly witness?

But did you hear anyone on the news shows today and tonight suggesting this possible explanation for their (pretty obvious) sudden change in tactic? No, what we heard instead was just the opposite: The prosecution didn’t want to harm her!

So do most people just not get things these days, or are they being deliberately clueless about the world around us? And the more righteous and aggrieved they are, the better. That’s how it works now, right? But their unreliability is depressing — and that’s really the worst thing about this behavior. You can’t trust anyone as a source of decent opinion. So where do you go?

It’s also interesting to see the obvious scripting that’s been going on tonight at MSNBC. At no time during the morning or afternoon did any of their people in the courtroom say that Trump’s attorneys were trying to torment or slut-shame Stormy Daniels during their cross examination. But that’s all you’re hearing right now from the evening people (!)

They just make this sanctimonious shit up, don’t they? And when it comes to Donald Trump there’s obviously plenty of material there already not to have to do so.

So why do they?

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This below is much easier to do than to have to come up with your own original material — epecially when you’re a middle-aged mediocrity with a declining career:

What’s fun about the French versions of these sanctimonious little Dreyfuss-fests is how all of the old classic actresses will immediately run to the defense of men in general as well as the inherent appeal of sexual intrigue and romance. Do something like that here though and there’ll be a riot.

Your new Film Art:

What a bore. Plus, she was with the guy for years and never bothered to file a police report on him (?) 40 years later until the very moment that she wanted to promote her new movie about his ancient old relationship with her.

More 20th-century bashing. Kids, come up with your own good new stuff instead why don’t you, OK, rather than always going after the past? That’s what people did a hundred years ago.

Or can’t you?

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So how’s the new house doing, huh Kate?

Look who’s suddenly spending a ton of money on press agents and reputation defenders.

People Magazine, right. No one has ever given a damn about this woman’s opinion on anything if they’d even heard of her in the first place.

Keep in mind that everything you see in the news now when it comes to personality figures and other nonentities is either a lie or a product placement. There’s nothing genuine about any of it; the notion of genuineness being a quaint old ideal that some people still want to hang onto (those creepy boomers?) but which in fact is considered to be a pathetic joke.

Like grade-less colleges which are about books and learning and not point-scoring, or abolishing the SAT. Or historical preservation of old buildings.

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They’re throwing in the bad attitude for free

Actually we never had any problems with the guy. But it helps if you buy classical and leave quickly and don’t act like a schmuck. No horror stories with us.

How did we miss this big news?

Remember Discontinued Records that used to be next door to Santoro’s, and then later relocated on Victory near Providencia?

Same idea. You don’t go there to browse, you go there with your list and then expect to pay a premium+ price for everything. And everything is what they have.

Discontinued Records was something like a flat 30 bucks a disk, and this was 40 or 50 years ago. Remember when and why the BPD and some record industry lawyers once closed them down for a while?

It was back in the days when the BPD was also helping out with joint sting operations designed to shut down local film labs that were doing post-production work on … Lord almighty … pornography. Although Discontinued’s problem wasn’t that exciting.


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Sorry, but no serious student applies to 15 different colleges

Or serious person.

This is all about ego and self-promotion. And imagine how much time she wasted for those admissions offices…

Another unimaginative grade-grubber. Is there anything else now?

The other day we tried to explain the old intellectual concept of the once-gradeless UC Santa Cruz to someone under the age of 40 and you would have thought that we were talking about holding college classes underwater.


SANTA ANA, Calif. (KABC) — The sky’s the limit for one Orange County high school senior who is set to attend Harvard University on a full-ride scholarship.

Brandy Figueroa is preparing to take her final high school Advanced Placement tests before heading off to college this fall in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

“This is all that’s left. I don’t want to go. I don’t want to go but I just need to take it all in with my friends,” Figueroa said.


Is she talking about going to Harvard or taking the AP test? Either one is weird. Like, how really serious are you about your studies?

And again, we’ve been asking this question for years: How do you get a GPA that’s higher than 4.0? It kind of waters down and cheapens the whole idea, no?


The standout student has excelled at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana with a 4.7 GPA and is set to graduate top of her class.

“I knew that getting good grades, like every A that I got, that’s like money saved,” she said. “That’s a couple hundred saved, that’s thousands saved and now it’s $100,000 saved per year.”

The 17-year-old has been accepted into 15 universities across the U.S., including Columbia and Stanford.

Figueroa said, “All of them are great choices but I think Harvard would be the best choice in terms of putting me in a position where I’d be the most advantageous.”

Brandy’s father, Jose Luis Figueroa, said he is overwhelmed by his daughter’s brilliance. He said sending her off into the world to pursue her dreams of becoming a constitutional lawyer will be tough.


What a waste. And in the political climate of the next 30 years, only fruitful if you’re a young right-wing asshole who is committed to the dismantling of 20th-century liberalism. The judicial future’s going to be full of bad news for anyone else.

Btw, the smartest, most intellectually engaged and curious people we’ve ever known have gone to state colleges.

Not UCs. CSUs.


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Has anyone ever bothered to ask exactly what services they do offer?

This is all nice and good but exactly what housing services are these community benefactors in fact providing?


One of the more pernicious myths going round about local homelessness is the repeated claim that homeless individuals have many services available to them but they don’t want to take advantage of anything because they’re mentally ill.

You hear this all the time in Burbank and Glendale and of course it’s a lie. Unless you’re a family you’re not going to get any temporary housing let alone some place permanent. And even these hotel/motel voucher opportunities are limited.

You know what you do get? You get counseling.


Ascencia envisions a community where people who are in need can find a safe place, housing that is affordable, and access to resources to become self-reliant. The nonprofit’s work begins with the basic, fundamental respect for the dignity of the people that it serves and is motivated by the tenacious and certain belief that nobody should be left without a place to call home. More information can be found at


Lots of management talk and institutional concern about process. And lots of galas and fundraising.

How about a place to stay?






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And to think that this came from Burbank

Always an obsession for the “liberal” media — especially today during the trial — but exactly where on this Access Hollywood tape shot in Burbank does Donald Trump ever say that he likes to grab women by the pussies and that he can do it whenever he wants to?

The answer is “Nowhere.”

Nowhere does he say such a thing. We keep bringing this up here regularly because a) it’s true and b) it’s Burbank…


It’s too bad that Trump doesn’t say this though about grabbing pussies because it would be so much more fun and easy to think about things a certain way if he’d had. He’s not even being serious anyway and you’d have to be a witless scold not to recognize this obvious fact. Or, disingenuous.**

Ay, people. See how rare it is to be an honest left-winger these days? Those who used to be friends and comrades all hate you now too with the heat of a million outraged suns.

But then you realize that they’re not much of a loss to you if so, and that your past times with them probably didn’t mean a whole lot either in the end.

** You also realize how few people now possess any kind of literary sensibility when it comes to things like the ability to detect irony, implication, satire, kidding on the square, the works etc., and then hold it in their heads in suspension. That’s because nobody reads fiction any more and so they interpret everything in front of them as being either literally expressed or self-confessional.

Not that everyone was like this in years past in terms of their non-literal perceptual abilities, but almost no one is like that now.

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Well there’s always England



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LOL, what bitter irony

Shameless is the better word for it.

You really can’t make this shit up, can you?

The utter audacity of the City of Burbank boasting about this right now. Say farewell to the Aleppos for us, you lying chickenshits.

Burbank’s done everything it can the last dozen years or so to summarily eliminate its most interesting (but harder to maintain) heritage trees. And then lied about it to the dumb and the credulous.

“It was a mistake to have ever planted them. The people who did so years ago did not know what they were doing.”

“So they all have to be removed ASAP. We’re so glad you understand!”

A big hooray for “Tree City.”

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How come the pursuit of “mental health” never involves using your brains?

Here’s your corporate media now and its preoccupations. It’s gone from the pursuit of the shallow and the stupid to cheering on the glories of annihilation.


Quitting is obviously the new achieving now. Why complete anything tangible when it’s the process that counts — and the more crazed and troubled, the better.

Who needs inspiration and imagination? These are our new heroes:


In a caption alongside the statement, she wrote, “I realize this may come as a large shock to many. Never compromise your physical and mental well-being. Our health is our wealth. A million thank you’s to all of you for your constant and unwavering support. Time to write the next chapter. I hope you’ll stick around to see what’s next.”

Voigt, 24, was crowned Miss USA on Sept. 29, 2023. The Venezuelan-American competitor was representing the state of Utah, and has since embraced as her primary causes dating violence awareness and prevention, mental health, anti-bullying and immigration issues. She has been competing in pageants for seven years.


What a fun gal. Maybe wallowing in the dark side of life isn’t such a good idea, no? She is hitting all the bases though.

Speaking of stupid preoccupations, has anyone watched these ABC News streaming services lately?

Disney doesn’t just need to get rid of Kim Godwin. They need to eliminate the entire institution. Bring all of ABC News back to Burbank and kick everyone in the ass.




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We’ll believe it when we see it

The only thing that’s ever going to happen to this guy is that his poll numbers will keep going up.

He’s already beating Biden in the 18-24 age group. The subliterates love him.

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It’s time for that ever-popular 60s bashing again

This is like the sudden appearance of all these current news stories about how great the SAT really is or how detrimental Airbnb has been to the lives of the homeless. Or the complete YIMBY takeover of any and all public discussion about housing needs and big development. You have to wonder where these obviously slanted narratives are suddenly coming from and why.

And now of course this. Any sort of leftover spirit of Transcendentalism can’t be allowed either in this age of unquestioned technocracy and mercantilism.

Those 1960s. We remember them well. Isn’t that when men were forcing women to have sex all the time and got away with it because nobody knew how bad it was for women? That’s what we always keep hearing now for starters.

And all those unshaven heads on young people. And that stupid blonde hair everywhere.

Creepy! And those 1970s — what a bunch of losers too. Did you know that the majority of college students back then were humanities majors?

Can you imagine?

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These histrionic “statistics” have been well-refuted

This is such prissy, life-denying bullshit.

More local feelgood-ism.


April was National Sexual Assault Awareness Month and The Family Service Agency (FSA) of Burbank hung jeans along their building the last week of April, in honor of Denim Day on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. Denim Day is a quiet awareness campaign where millions of people across the world wear jeans to show support to victims of sexual violence…

Denim Day has now become a symbolic day at the end of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month in order to increase education in the community and support for victims. Sexual assault occurs every 98 seconds and happens to 1 in 4 women, 1 in 3 girls, 1 in 4 boys, and 1 in 6 men, with only 28% of cases being reported.


It is simply not the case that 1 in 4 women in this country — because that’s where these numbers supposedly come from — have been sexually assaulted. And no, that doesn’t mean we’re defending sexual assault here, thou pious ones. The male numbers are even more absurd.

And besides displaying these righteous tokens of their essential worth and goodness, what is the Family Service Agency going to do about it?

We’ve told this story before and it’s more than relevant right now considering the obvious anti-male vibe going on here with this protest. The first two girls we ever had sex with when we were young actually sexually assaulted us. They never gained the appropriate consent that is now demanded as a given and were quite aggressive about it.

So what should we be hanging? (Perhaps just our head that it’s not happening any more maybe.)

See how rich life is? It’s not a cartoon, and not everything’s toxic.





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Is it true that she actually wags her finger when she yells at people?

As we heard through the grapevine — not a good look if so.

Though running a network news division is a thankless task these days — all that bundled up ego and mediocrity you have to deal with, and all for the sake of what will be at best in the end a declining market share when it comes to overall viewership.

Running network news now is like being put in charge of the lunchroom business at Woolworth’s in 1975.

What finally gelled this was that incident(s) with their New York City weatherman that the very top-of-the-top Disney bigwigs finally had to step in and deal with last week. Talk about a volatile guy.

TV news is like the junior high of journalism.

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And you know he’s going to be elected soon as President of the United States

This country is just so fucked up.

Aside from everything else, all-caps always spells complete nutcase time. And isn’t this also another blatant violation of the gag order?

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Why can’t the Burbank library have something like this?

Wilton, Connecticut has a big Dave Brubeck archive of all sorts of jazz material.

What does Media City have? Brubeck didn’t even grow up there — he grew up in Concord, California, later home of Concord Records. (Yes, that’s where it came from, kind of…)

It’s not like some of us haven’t tried over the years to make things more interesting and vital. At one time Burbank was Musicians Central and so there’s lot to at least remember.

Come to think of it … exactly what museums does Burbank have? Nothing show-biz or entertainment or movies or TV or anything media or art-related. No archives, collections or galleries even.

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The truth is that the city doesn’t want to deal with its high-maintenance trees any more

Ficus, carob, cypress, Moreton Bay fig, all of them — when these much grander and older trees were first planted here the City of Burbank had its own large staff of arborists. Now they contract out their tree-cutting. They’ve been doing that since Prop 13.

So Burbank simply doesn’t want to bothered by them any more — that’s why staff often lies now about their condition, and which is often too (btw) the result of deliberate neglect as pretext for later removal. They also love to say how it was “a mistake” to have ever planted them in the first place whenever they’re questioned about this wholesale destruction.

It wasn’t.

Good for them. Somebody needs to stand up for these nice trees. Your current city council members certainly won’t (Golonski used to).

Places like Carmel go out of their way to protect their old trees. Proud “Tree City” Burbank obviously isn’t Carmel.

How come?

No, really. How come?

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Pure unashamed racism

The progressive tax system is an attack on white people, and people who don’t have money are minorities. There you go.

Think it’ll work? With about 60 percent of the country, yes.

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Except that the “1968 protesters” weren’t wearing mask-disguises and black uniforms

These anti-Semitic assholes now are also total wimps.


And they’re staying around in tents. What a joke.

Jesus Christ, we so hate most of these young people now. And it’s not us — we’re not the problem. They’re fucking thugs.


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Did anyone bother to ask how many of these anti-rent control people were not from Burbank?

We ask this question for a simple reason.

Years ago Dave Golonski wanted Burbank to get rid of the old R5 zoning code that allowed the construction of huge mega-apartment projects, and on the very night of the city council’s hearing on the topic the local landlords and realtors’ associations managed to completely pack the chambers with out-of-town property owners.

And oh, did their tears flow.

Again, how many of the opponents were from Burbank?


The Burbank City Council met before a full house of residents on Tuesday, with even more Burbankers queued outside of City Hall chambers and down the stairs into the lobby, eager to speak on the topic of rent control and tenant protections across the city.

More than 100 residents made statements during the meeting’s two public comment periods, with about half advocating for stricter tenant protections and the other half opposing them, according to Vice Mayor Nikki Perez’s count.


Oh, these poor landlords. They’re all levying on their tenants the (once unheard of until a few years ago) 8.5 percent annual rent increase as a regular deal now and it’s still not enough for them.

Surprise surprise.

We knew when this California CPI+ 5 percent “rent control” law was first passed that the use-it-or-lose-it part was going to cause every landlord in the state to be sure not to lose it. And now these big annual increases of close to 10 percent have become the norm. Just listen to all the local horror stories now that are coming from the tenants’ groups.

Though a cap on rent hikes was the trending topic of the evening, the Council ultimately said it wasn’t ready to approve such a policy.

“If we are going to ask a question about rent control, let’s be incredibly direct,” said Mayor Nick Schultz. “At least then you actually have an answer that you can either note and file, and not take any action on, or you can put it on the ballot. Right now, it’s sort of chicken or the egg. There is nothing we could go to the voters with.”

The council could initiate rent control on its own. Other nearby cities have. Schultz is being disingenuous here. The state rent control law is not working out — in fact, it has backfired on tenants.

Burbank is such a piss-poor excuse for a town. It needs rent control because these ridiculous annual increases have become unsustainable, but you have a numb-nuts group of “progressive” council members that are more concerned about the Tongvas and the out-of-town Latino figureheads that they can give feel-good awards to than they are the people around them who have real problems.

No, it’s the bitter truth. They’re worse than useless. They’re hopeless.

The solution?

Move. There are much better and more civilized places to live than Burbank California.



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You don’t have it too bad if you’re able to live in a condo in Burbank

Is this supposed to be some kind of Dickensian thing here, a looking back at the tough old times of youth?


Landing on your feet, yes.

But then, how little we know of the struggles of the creative.

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Decent project, terrible name

And why is it always just white people of a certain age in these renderings?


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Good to know that Burbank checks out OK in the tea department

Even what you drink now has to be vetted on its righteousness-quotient. Even in Burbank.

Quick note here: Does anyone still know that biblically and literarily the taking of a “crooked path” is not a good thing?

It doesn’t lead to anywhere you’d want to go. Or at least, not to anywhere that we’d want to go. Not unless you’re doom-ridden and apocalyptic-minded and adore darkness and deceit.

The historical allusion is unfortunate; like, mindlessly so. Making it sound cool does not make it cool.


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Face it: This is an incredibly stupid country

The other guy’s on trial for trying to hide the fact that he was banging a porn star while his wife was home with a newborn and his poll numbers go up.



This is why we dropped out of life in 1981.

We remember the year exactly. It became more than apparent by then that this was not the same country we grew up in.

Now…how to disappear when the inevitable happens. Better take your books and run somewhere far.

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Bloom said some great stuff about The Band a few years ago too, that the songs were always there but that they perfected them.

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Didn’t Dad’s get rid of hot dogs years ago?

Meaning like, almost 30 years ago?



We remember riots in the neighborhood about it at the time. Dad’s had great toppings too, which were almost as good as that old Topz place in Toluca Lake where they had hot dogs and air fries with A1 Sauce.


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No one ever pitched tents in the 60s

These kids now are just pathetic wimps to be lounging around in their blatantly anti-Semitic attempt at protest.


People are actually celebrating these virtue-signaling poseurs?

This is what student protest is really like — and was like at these same college campuses in the 60s and 70s:






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Might as well do it



If they need it they need it. By contrast, honestly, we don’t do anything around here to get any kind of numbers up. Never have. Search optimization, social media promotion, monetization — wouldn’t know how to do it even if we cared. In fact, we’re allergic to the whole idea.

If people want to look let ‘em look. After 16 years and 3 million hits and 14,000 postings this do-nothing philosophy seems to have worked pretty well here for some reason. And we even faced public calls for boycotts, of all things, and all sorts of mindless defamation.

Can you imagine. Twaddle twaddle.

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These kids are huge now

What’s going on?


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Ron Howard was never in any danger of being drafted

We say bullshit on this old and oft-repeated story, and we were there.

They stopped drafting in ’72, and Selective Service closed down completely in June of ’73.


Howard was born in ’54, graduated from Burroughs in ’72, and wouldn’t have faced conscription until at least age 19 20 no matter what. Happy Days also didn’t start until the fall of 1974.


“ABC didn’t feel that the ’50s would fly,” said Howard. That changed quickly, when Howard starred in George Lucas’ hit movie American Graffiti which was set in the same decade. Suddenly, mid-century nostalgia was all the rage once again, and ABC wanted to hop on the trend.

There was just one issue: Howard was still at risk of being drafted for the Vietnam War.

“The war was still going on and I had a lousy number,” he recalled. “But I had read somewhere that if your job could be directly related to the employment of 30 or more people, that would be a deferment. I thought, ‘If this series goes, I bet you could get that deferment.'”


Everyone knew in ’72 that the draft was shutting down. That’s when Howard was a senior in high school. He could also have gotten a 2S deferment just for being in college. He went to SC, right?

Were they even picking numbers in 72-73? We don’t remember it.

There might have been a reason why. According to the official tables, his 1954 birthday drawing would have been held in March of ’73, when the SS was already well on its way out.

That’s why we didn’t pay any attention to it. Nor did he.,suspended%20on%20January%2027%2C%201976.





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Great news

Let the YIMBYs yell and scream. They’re all bought and paid for anyway and so their opinions don’t count.


We’ve always been big fans of ADUs. Burbank used to be full of them.

What we’re not fans of is setting up a legislative scheme where corporate landlords chock full of foreign investment money are allowed to subdivide our neighborhoods for big money.

The judge is right too — SB 9 has nothing to do with “affordable” anything. These developers and corporate interests have figured out a way of hiding behind the claim of affordability to promote their mega-projects and the shills and morons amongst us swallow it whole.

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Tesla’s closing in Burbank — and didn’t give the required 60-day notification

No one’s caught this yet? Their WARN notice:


Sixty-four jobs is the whole schmeer or very close to it. They’re opening a big new facility in the West Valley so who needs Burbank.

Notice how — according to this chart — all the other recent WARN notices in California have given 60 days from issue date?

What assholes.

Big enforcement action coming up for them — that’s blatantly illegal, and they’ve apparently done this before.


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Of course not


Where do you think you live?


Where do you think you live again?

Did you know that the “Friends of the Burbank Library” received two $200,000+ bequests within the last 15 years? Old members have left big money to them as inheritances.

You didn’t know that, did you?

The Friends could easily subsidize free printing at the Burbank libraries. And how come the main “Central Branch” library is closed on Sundays?

The Buena Vista branch is open.


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The Red Cars never “populated Burbank”

There was a spur that ran along Glenoaks from Glendale to Andover Drive. That’s it.

The Red Car had also disappeared from this area by the mid-1950s. Some of the tracks were still there until the late 1970s half-buried in the dirt median on Glenoaks between Brand and Pacific.

The last of the Red Cars were in the Long Beach area until about 1961. We remember seeing them.


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