Is the Broad Foundation going to be paying Matt Hill’s salary?

Why not? They’ve been paying his way all through the LAUSD — and through much of Oakland we hear. They might as well get something out of the deal.

This is such an aggressively hamfisted decision on the part of our Burbank board members that there just has to be some kind of secret financial payoff somewhere. The critics from elsewhere are certainly suggesting this possibility as a likely motive behind the hire.

At the very least, the BUSD would be stupid not to demand this of Broad. He’s gotta find a place for one of his boys after this last fiasco in LA.

If not, people need to check how quickly Applebaum engages in some big remodeling of his house. Kemp too. Nothing else explains those two and the others’ stupidity with his hire.


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2 responses to “Is the Broad Foundation going to be paying Matt Hill’s salary?

  1. Anonymous

    Broad (rhymes with “choad”)

  2. Anonymous

    I hope someone will be smart enough to ask this question tonight.

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