The horror of it all


Imagine being forced to listen to this noise.


“It’s honestly kind of crazy. You show up and you’re just listening to classical music,” Jordan Grant of Tacoma said.

Some call this musical method unusual, but the 7-Eleven blasts classical tunes through caged loudspeakers with safety top of mind.

“It is super loud! And I’ve heard people being like, ‘I’ve heard it down the street,’” said Taylor Fogle of Tacoma.

While some customers questioned the song selection, they said what the store has orchestrated is working.

“It made coming here a little bit safer because there were a lot of problems with, you know, tents being popped up all around the corner,” Grant said…

Additionally, a Walgreens on busy Pacific Avenue sounds more like an opera house than a pharmacy parking lot. The store has received six similar noise complaints since 2023.

Wonder what would happen if you pumped this through downtown Burbank every once in a while?

Probably the same effect as if they programmed nothing but art films at the AMC. A complete ghost town.

It would be nice though, wouldn’t it? Burbank was a lot more fun when there was no one around. You could make your own life back then and not feel that something was always missing because everything was in the way.



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