The Mayor replies

Dave Golonski just left a comment of his own right now, and so we thought we’d highlight it to give his side of the story:

It’s pretty simple – Steve Ferguson met with me and I told him that the people he associated with was a reflection of his character and pointed out that Mike Nolan routinely refers to the City Attorney as “the runt”. He didn’t seem to think that was a problem and apparently plans to pal around with Mike while he continues to engage in this behavior. I support anyone’s right to criticize to their heart’s content. This isn’t criticism, this is a hateful personal attack and this community should not tolerate this. Maybe Steve will see the light and speak up.

Dave Golonski

One thing folks– not taking any sides here, but let’s try to keep some of the more vocal abuse toned down on the comments. A little bit of name-calling is all right, but let’s make sure it makes sense.


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100 responses to “The Mayor replies

  1. chad

    I believe Mike Nolan refers to Ms. Albano as “that woman” and Dixie refers to her as “the runt” or “Amypoo.”

  2. Anonymous

    The mayor clarifies by saying :

    “Mike Nolan routinely refers to the City Attorney as “the runt”. He didn’t seem to think that was a problem and apparently plans to pal around with Mike while he continues to engage in this behavior. ”

    But in Fergusons response to the mayor Ferguson says:

    “Mike Nolan may have a bad mouth on him and yes, at times, his language is colorful but his choice of words and opinions are not my responsibility. ”

    So how does Ferguson say that is not a problem ? What Ferguson says is “his words and opinions are not my responsibility”.

    What the mayor suggests here is that as a community we are obligated to ostracize and punish those who do not conform to some standard that comes down from the mayor.

    Every family has its family member who is the black sheep. The black sheep does not conform with the family standard. Bad families ostracize and punish the black sheep member while caring families recognize that the black sheep is different and unique. The loving and caring family supports the black sheep as best they can and does it with love.

    The mayor says he is moved to author the email because “I’ve had time to reflect on our meeting and your friendly greeting to Mike Nolan as he passed us”

    I have had time to refelect on the mayors thoughts here. Imagine someone passes you and you are criticized for simply saying HI to that person. As I reflect on that I am reminded of people who have refused to say hi when passing someone they know because they have married someone who is black, or because they are gay, or because they happen to be over weight and yes because they happened to drink alcohol or even because they shop someplace like Kmart or drive the wrong car.

    Where does it stop ? As a community just because we say Hi when passing someone on the street does not always mean we agree with what they say or even what they do. The mayor proposes and defends conditioned love. If you do things my way, if I am pleased you will get some love and I will say Hi. If you do not do things my way all love will be pulled from you until you comply with my standards.

    I would hope our community would reject that conditioned love premise. I certainly do.

    • semichorus

      Right– in no way is Ferguson defending or supporting Mike Nolan. I doubt whether too — if the topic came up between them– that he validated the colorful language either.

      • Eagle One

        Dave Golonski is delusional if he reads into Ferguson’s response any attempt to defend anything that Nolan says. What Ferguson does is defend Nolan’s right to free speech and states the obvious, that he is not responsible for what anyone else does or says. That’s far too simple a truth for the mayor, who seems to believe he can can and should decide who says what and just when they can say it.

  3. Earth Person stranded in Burbank

    “This isn’t criticism, this is a hateful personal attack and this community should not tolerate this.”
    This next to last sentence is simply incredible coming from the Dictator the himself. He basically admits he would violate the Constitutional laws of others if he doesn’t like what they say. Does he really expect anyone to believe he personally has not made “hateful” personal attacks? He has participated in personal attacks in Burbank for the past 20 years. If answered honestly staffers will tell you that has been part of the fabric at city hall for years. It is how people not liked by Golonski are discussed and staff knows not to “associate” with anyone who displeasures the dictator.

  4. Anonymous

    Golonski’s email to Ferguson speaks for itself. This latest email only clarifies and further confirms his decades old conduct of harassment and intimidation. It is time for him to GO … hopefully to jail!

  5. Burbanker

    The mayor needs to go back into his office, close the door and contemplate some more. Just maybe when he comes out he should find Nolan, sit down and discuss his issues with Nolan directly and not intimidate others to just ignore Nolan. What do you want to bet while he is going after others to ignore Nolan he himself has never sat down and just talked to Nolan about what his issue is.

  6. Anonymous

    “Runt” refers to “of the litter” Dave how else would you describe the level of advice she gives no way she graduated in the top of her class.

  7. Ted

    and maybe the mayor along with his buddies will speak up about all the wrongs of the police department, city attorney’s office and police union. But then again maybe they will just keep living in denial of abuses.

  8. Anonymous 6

    You know what mayor ?

    You are so concerned about what Mike Nolan says but where has your concern been with the group of officers who have physically abused minority members of the community ?

    You want to make such an issue of what Mike Nolan says yet he is just an individual while you have some cops with a city badge calling people “armos’, “niggers” “fags” and other such things.

    Where is your outspoken outrage about what you should control ?

    Instead you make it your job to control the thoughts and words of private citizens ?

    You are a failed mayor!

    • semichorus

      I don’t think he’s trying to control anyone’s thoughts or actions, he’s just being bumptious and inconsistent.

      There’s also an anti-Nolan agenda here– and a campaign attempt (a longtime bad habit here in Burbank) to associate challengers with the rabble.

      Like, if you can associate Ferguson with the ‘council crazies’ as they’re often referred to by the local ‘establishment,’ then the incumbents might stand a better chance (the theory goes) of re-election.

      We saw this all the time during the McConkey years. You castigate the critics as nutcases and boobs, and then try to tie them to the opposition. Will Rogers was an expert at this tactic.

      And it used to work. I suspect DG wants the current people to stay at the BUSD. He knows he can work with the incumbents, but Ferguson’s a wildcard who asks too many questions.

      • Anonymous

        Given the state of this city with all the departures, investigations and monetary losses Golonski might be trying to distract from his own miserable record as a city councilman. So what’s next he blames Nolan for the collapse of the golf course ? Sure why not. Maybe he blames Nolan for the quick and suspicious departure of the city manager ?

        • semichorus

          Keep reading– apparently there might be an attempt to blame Nolan for the departure of the city attorney. Which of course is nonsense.

  9. TLR

    This just keeps getting more creepy. I could create a list of things I don’t like and don’t agree with the mayor about, in fact watching the council meeting his rude behavior gets me very mad. So should I follow the mayor’s example and start telling everyone I know to ignore him if they see him someplace. Sure that sounds logical and rational doesn’t it and oh so mature. I would not do that . The thing to do if you’re a normal human being when someone says hi to you is say back. Sheesh in Burbank you actually get in trouble for that ? Makes me wonder what else goes on around city hall and just how often they use the police to enforce their idea of morality.

  10. Anonymous

    Oh, Dave, you are SO cute. I especially love this line: “I told him that the people he associated with was a reflection of his character.” Greeting a fellow citizen on the street doesn’t quite rise to the same chummy level that you long enjoyed with Stacey & Scott does it? Or your pal Geoff Folsom? Nice try, Mein Führer! xo

    • semichorus

      They were pals until that bar fight, I think. The one the BPD covered up when the Leader kept asking about it– the old Leader, not this outfit.

      About, what, 10 years ago now?

      • Anonymous

        Was that at Sardos when Golonski and Juli Scott decided they were officials so they could smoke inside the bar regardless of state law ?

        • Sherry

          Yep, my niece was a waitress back then and the Golonski guy had just become Mayor.
          She was serving some wait staff from the Smokehouse when there was a hassle & one of the men charged into the occupied ladies restroom, too.

          The Golonski guy plays such a pious role.
          He never fooled our family. Some Burbank Cops spoke with the staff as if he had “learned his lesson”. Obviously not.

    • Anonymous

      I bet Golonski was closer to Tim Stehr than just a quick Hi on the street as well!

  11. H.F.

    Maybe this is a dumb question but if the issue here is what Nolan calls the city attorney why did Golonski throw Nolan out of the council meeting for clapping ? How do we get from I don’t like your words to I don’t like your claps ? Unless I am really missing something this is very irrational on the part of the mayor. Why doesn’t the mayor stop Nolan when he speaks if he calls the city attorney a name ? Is it that it would be illegal to do that or what precisely ? If it’s illegal then why would the mayor try to do what is illegal to do from the shadows through emails ? If it’s not illegal why hasn’t the mayor stopped Nolan himself instead of just telling other people to do it ? This whole picture is blury for me.

    • semichorus

      It was all pretext. Golonski just doesn’t like Mike Nolan, and Nolan likes to ask too many uncomfortable questions of them.

      • 91502

        Well then the mayor would really hate me because I have lots of questions as well. Watching the council meetings is a complete waste of time if you are tyring to understand or know what’s happening in Burbank. Honestly half the time the paid employees and council don’t even seem to understand what is going on. Only what the public says help me to understand because the officials say everything is something they are unable to talk about. I do have lots of questions from things I see in Burbank.

  12. Eagle One

    There is a God and God is listening to the cry of Burbank. The city manager has announced that Police Chief Scott Lachase will be staying on because the search for a new chief has been suspended. Strike three again for the bad boyz and Home Run for the good guys!

    Taco night will sure be an angry one this week with all that is going on, how are those BPOA funds doing there boyz ?

    • Classified

      Eagle One interesting you bring up the BPOA funds according to them they are running out of funds! How the heck is that possible 143 BPOA members at $100.00 ea. a month, and they are running out of funds. How and Why? Then I hear they are planning to charge dues to those that have already left the BPOA. Can you blame them for leaving a union that is going under financially. Where’s all the money going to? Strip clubs in Vegas or personal training sessions?

      • B.F.J

        If offices can be broken into and evidence made to disappear inside the police station just what would make you think that union funds are safe.

        • Classified

          Well according to the BPOA boys, offices were NEVER broken into, evidence was NEVER missing, after depositions and proof things existed, they claimed evidence was “just mis-filed.” The BPOA funds arent kept in the office, so there is no chance of the funds may have been stolen from an office. The only ones with access to the $ is the union boys themselves. Where is the money going to? Why a deficit? …things that make you go hmmmm.

      • Anonymous 18

        The BPOA is not a real union, never was and never will be just ask C.L.

  13. Marc

    Mayor you have been on the city council for twenty years if my information is correct. How do you explain all the things that have happened in the last four years under your loving hand ? Just why was it that the former police chief let terrible things happen ? Why was it that a police sgt committed suicide ? Why did it cost the city millions of dollars in lawsuits and why is Burbank under investigation by the FBI. Maybe you can share with us why you are the only councilman that was ordered to a deposition ? Was that because you had no part in all of it or because you were the only knowlegeable player in it all ? Why would the city scramble to settle a case once you were deposed ? Don’t you think that with all the things happening and all the questions about them who says hi to Mike Nolan is not really anyones biggest concern ? I look forward to reading just what you did to Mike Flad to make him leave for South Gate because no one buys it was a great career move.

    • semichorus

      I think the deposition was called for by O. Rodriguez’ attorney.

      Golonski though is not playing straight with us about his latest explanations on this case.

      • Marc

        It was called in the Rodriguez case, but he was the only council member called and then the city called part of it highly classified and confidential. Did the attorneys just waste time questioning Golonski or did Golonski have some real involvement ? It’s a very valid question I believe.

  14. Tim

    The mayor is more bossy than the puffer fish mayor ever was. Gee mayor don’t you have some real work to do ? No matter how you cut it mayor your point is I don’t like Nolan and I won’t like you if you like Nolan waaah boo hoo cry baby get over yourself and leave people alone with your picky little stuff and go do some real mayor work for a change because you are really looking stupid here. Wow the mayor doesn’t like me BFG watching you on tv I don’t think you really like anybody because your snooty with everybody during those meetings.

    • semichorus

      There’s more to this than just charges of name-calling.

      Nolan’s also been asking around about Golonski’s relationship with the Burbank schools, in particular whether special favors have been given to members of his family.

      When DG goes after people there’s always more to the story– the surface allegations are not the main deal. That’s what happened with Etter years ago.

      • Eagle One

        Very good point Semichorus. Just like that leap in desperation that clapping somehow violated the peace of the community. Red Herrings which does indicate that Golonski is afraid of something and it’s not what Nolan may say about the city attorney. Golonski has held a vendetta against Nolan for years, many could tell you about that and right now he is trying to make the irrational seem rational.

  15. Weston

    SNIVEL SNIVEL Mr Nolan called me a name so I am gonna get my ball and bat go home and send emails to my friends telling them not to talk to him anymore. What a childish mayor.

  16. Dottie

    Mayor stop putting your efforts into what other people should say and think and get rid of those bike lanes on Verdugo they are a traffic nightmare and your the one that caused that mess so fix it. The bike lanes are city business and your not taking care of business. I also want my utility bill lowered you made that bill unaffordable to me and many people and you did that too give that manager a big raise while the rest of us suffer.

    • Anonymous 24

      AMEN get rid of the Golonski Bike Lanes! Somebody could win a council seat this next election on a simple campaign of NO Bike lanes.

  17. Anonymous

    “This isn’t criticism, this is a hateful personal attack and this community should not tolerate this.”
    I would make that statement about Dave Golonski, this mayor is hilarious.

  18. citizen

    There is a big distinction to be made here and the mayor is deliberately trying to be deceptive in my view. Mike Nolan has no power and no authority over any of us so what he says and what he does is not a real threat to my safety however the mayor is in an official position. In that position a threat of action on his part if you are friendly to someone is a real threat. The mayor can send city inspectors or police after you because he is mayor. I am more concerned with what the mayor says and does. This mayor knows full well that he has a history of threats aimed at citizens and it has the effect of scaring people. Great his goal is to make people fear their government and with that cause them to lose confidence in government. The mayor’s conduct in the email is outrageous and a threat to everyone in this community.

  19. Anonymous

    Oh and about calling names Dave.. You tried to pull the “Father Piroli” routine a few weeks- back pressure from this site made you change your tune. And now for the second time in a month I am convinced you read the blog you’re probably the one who always brings up the fag this and fag that. You are probably the one or encouraging the nasty posts about Ferguson calling him queer and Mike a child molester. Dave you asked to have Mike followed you’ve read the reports and of all the things in “the file” about Mike child molester is not one and the community knows it.

  20. Anonymous

    I believe that Nolan is a life long Burbank resident and a veteran. Which part of that does the mayor who transported here really not like ?

  21. Tim

    DUH to asking this mayor any questions because if you watch a council meeting you will see what happens. Ok so people ask some questions and the mayor ignores them. Then the luggage lady says thank you for coming we will answer those questions later, but later she forgets the questions. Then Gordon tries to answer and that city attorney says Gordon you can’t talk about that and then the mayor says Dr Gordon the city attorney says you can’t talk about that. That’s how they answer questions week after week duh you could ask to marry a police woman and they won’t even answer that because it’s not allowed.

  22. Tim

    A few months ago I was at downtown Burbank and I saw Nolan. He was talking to 2 people but I said hi Mr Nolan when I walked by. Ok so now I know I am lucky those cops on bikes down there didn’t see me do that because the mayor would tell them to beat me or something. WOW is that why cops are on bikes is to stop people from talking to Nolan or what ? What a crazy place with cops on bikes working as the HI police patrol or something for the mayor.

  23. Anonymous

    I want to ask the mayor to make it simple and explain to me all about the files he has requested done on some residents over the years. Some retired officers have told me that Mr Golonski would say he wants information and some officer would be assigned to follow and put together a file on the citizen. Can the mayor be simple and explain that for me please ? by the way when I was told about it the residents were not criminals so why was that done mayor ?

    • semichorus

      Oh, there was no secret to this. He got the council to agree in formal session that they’d have the PD get background information on critics or people who were having problems with the city, whatever, to help them out with their complaints, etc etc. Supposedly.

      It was when Bob Kramer was still on the council– he went nuts when he heard the idea– thought it was wrong, but the proposal won on a majority vote.

      The whole thing was in the papers back then. No sure whether they still do this or not, I have no idea.

      • Living Burbank Resident 91505

        Just why is it that Golonski appears to be running the De Bell golf course now ? Does this man have a need to run and have total control of everything in Burbank ?

      • Council watcher

        Actually, Semi, this has been going on since Ovrom arrived in Burbank for sure. Not sure whether it goes back longer than Ovrom.

  24. E.A.P.

    I never write on here but must because I met Steve Ferguson at a park event a few years ago. He seemed he was a nice enough person and people were talking to him and asking questions and he was telling everybody that he was running for city council. But I remember he didn’t look exactly clean. And then I said that and someone had to tell him I hope he needs to use deodorant. It was very sad when I was told that in a way because I was told he had an illness and can’t get work because of it and didn’t have a home at the time. So I say support him for trying to make it and God bless him.

  25. DixieFlyer

    “Why did Mike Flad apply for the position in South Gate over two months ago (before his evaluation)?”

    Because Golonskipooh was calling at all hours of the night & day (some eight & nine times daily).

    “What did Golonski want Flad to do?”

    Sometimes to report a spilled trash can at AMC, or to demand that the Police Chief be replaced.

  26. Anonomous 3

    Well EAP if you take a look at Ferguson’s file, and I would bet you have seen it, he has a home and he is not suffering from some illness. It’s funny how the Golonski minded people just make shit up, tells you something.

  27. C.

    It is apparent to me that Mayor Golonski abuses his power by ignoring the residents and the needs of this city while using that power to further his own personal agenda.

    I am deeply insulted that Mayor Golonski “goes after” and makes “personal attacks” on residents yet allows disregard of the Burbank Municipal Code with nonresidents of Burbank being placed on official committes.

    Can someone please hand this Mayor a copy of his job description and point out to him that contrived attacks on residents of the city is not part of his job ?


    I know I recently brought up some comments made by Jess the Less, because he is trying to get nominated for one of Burbank’s WORST politicians ever. But since Mr. Golonski wants to now throw his name into the hat, I wanted to ask him some questions:

    Uncle Dave,

    1. How are the Cusumanos doing?

    2. How are all of your drinking buddies at the Ramp and Sardo’s doing?

    3. How are ALL of your properties doing, you know, the ones you DID NOT own BEFORE you WERE on the council?

    Oh, and who did you buy those from? I hear it starts with a big C and ends with a big S…

    4. A big one, Dave, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE 1ST Amendment of the U.S. CONSTITUTION?

    5. Dave, why did you place that officer’s career in jeopardy when you ordered her to violate Nolan’s right of free speech and expression?



    7. How much have we spent on the “Mess?”

    8. When do plan on cleaning up the “Mess?”

    9. How many more times are you going to have to give a deposition?

    10. How much do you know about the “Mess?

    11. How much do you know about the “Cover Up?”

    12. What do you know about the recycle debacle?

    13. What do you know about the Golf Course money pit debacle?



    16. What size jail jump suit do you wear?


    18. Oh last, but certainly not least, DO YOU KNOW ANYONE IN SOUTHGATE? BELL? SAN JUAN?

    Hey Gary, the Ramp questions are next buddy…REMEMBER WHO WAS MAYOR WHEN THE MESS MONEY PIT STARTED?

  29. Jerrod

    Dave Golonski has never cared about the career or the safety of police officers, proof is in how he ignored those who reached out to him for justice long before any lawsuits were filed against the city.

    • DixieFlyer

      Key Points Jerrod,
      Thank you.
      Those who reached out to Golonskipooh risked their careers.
      He failed to validate the TRUST they demonstrated.
      He violated the FAITH in him that they had.

  30. DixieFlyer

    Weekend News you didn’t read in the “follower”!!!

    Golonskipooh was a busy boy this past week.

    While addressing the Board of Directors of the Burbank Chamber of Commerce Daviepooh alerted them to ANOTHER possible departure from City Hall.

    Apparently, Amy Pooh (aka the “runt”) is feeling a “disconnect” from the Burbank Community??
    (as if she ever connected!!)

    He specifically “complained” that she’s been bitching about being called the “runt”.

    I’m specifically complaining that she has extreme difficulty in even attempting to tell the truth.

    More to come……..

    • semichorus

      Wouldn’t it be funny if Mike Nolan single handedly drove her out of town?

      Mike, you bad boy you!

      But I think this would be merely pretext– she may feel she’s in over her head, or can’t deal with general Burbankian-ness. She wouldn’t have been the first with this, either.

      The last two school supers, various staff members, ole’ Art Pierce from the good old days, et al. et al. Lots of six-figure people can’t deal with Burbank.

      The mayor could very well be trying to generate a cover story for her impending departure.

      For her salary Mike Nolan can tie me to a fencepost out in front of the DAV and regale me with ancient stories about MWD billing invoices. In other words, she ain’t going to be leaving because of mean old Mike N.

      It’s something else.

      • DixieFlyer


        You “shouldn’t say head” & never “over-her-head”.

        Go to City Hall,
        ask for the Mayor’s Office,
        request a “note”,
        go to Gary Bric’s Ramp,
        turn LEFT…..”you know the drill”.

      • Burbnk Resident

        Watching City Attorney during the council meetings she is a stand out but for all the wrong things. I think you are right she has never lived or worked anyplace like Burbank where regular citizens actually express opinions and ask questions, Worse for Attorney Albano it seems she never has any answers and in Burbank people expect if you’re making something like 15 thousand dollars a month and they are paying for it they have a feeling they have a right to see that you know something and can answer something, so unreasonable they expect to see you are earning the money they are paying you. From everything I have seen this attorney is not earning the money we are paying her and lots of people are getting disgusted with that fact.

  31. Anonymous

    The sad thing here is this is not the first round of Golonski as mayor, as if the other rounds didn’t do enough damage here we go again.

  32. Anonymous

    Oh man, if the Runt bails now . . . Good luck Dave, hiring a new Chief, a new CM, a new CA . . ha ha ha ha haaaaaa “step by step . . “


    So now that Albano (AKA: the RUNT) has made some noise that she intends to leave, let us now review the departures that the “Mess” has caused:

    1. Anja “We have few bad apples “ Reinke

    2. Dennis “I have nothing to report” Barlow

    3. Julie “We embrace nepotism” Scott

    4. Tim “Garbage Man” Stehr

    5. The entire Burbank “We didn’t know what was going on” police leadership

    6. Margarita “You can’t vote here” Campos

    7. Donna “I can’t count” Anderson

    8. Mike “I need a new challenge” Flad

    And of course, Honorable mentioned is Flad’s squeeze, Wilke who moved to Parks & Recs.


    • semichorus

      I prefer #7 Donna “We’re still trying to get our money back from that East Coast financial institution I invested in — which everybody in the business knew was sleazy, or should have known– before they went bust and got themselves dragged in front of the Justice Department” Anderson.

  34. chad

    Picking up on Anon’s comment… In the past year, Burbank will have seen turnover in City Clerk, Treasurer, Attorney, Manager, and now delayed a search for Police Chief because of the turnover in other areas. (I’m probably forgetting other examples.) I know that sometimes organizations go through periods of rebuilding but doesn’t this seem excessive for a relatively small city government that compensates its employees extremely well?

    • semichorus

      Yes– there is indeed a sense of rats jumping ship.

      Or, possibly an attempt to let a Golonski-dominated council lock in the new appointments, in case things go south at the next election.

      Much like how they locked in the treasurer and clerk slots, ahead of the voters.

    • Anonymous 24

      Very excessive and the way it is going we will be left with just Golonski and he will smile and say come on people let’s make it forty years of Golonski style leadership through intimidation.

  35. Jaybird

    The thing that says it all here is in the fact that Talamantes, Bric and Luddy voted for Golonski to be mayor – AGAIN.

    Golonski in his email exibits a bully mentality. He goes after someone who has announced an interest in running for the Burbank School Board. The reason for going after the guy is that he gave a friendly exchange to someone who has displeased the mayor.

    This attack by the mayor makes me question just how active the mayor has really been in running the Burbank Schools over the years after all just why would he pour such interest on school board candidates ?

    I can not help but feel that Talamantes, Bric and Luddy either agree with and support the tactics of threat and harassment by the mayor or have been the victims of it and relented to the Golonski to claim the mayors seat once again.

    Whichever the case here, it speaks about the characters of Talamantes, Bric and Luddy as they sit idly by allowing the mayor to represent our city in such a way of dictatorial behind the scenes control. A control by the way which has left us as a community paying out millions of dollars in lawsuits and failed programs as well as failed projects.

    • semichorus

      There’s more going on here– for a while Nolan has been accusing Golonski of getting special treatment from the school district for his family.

      • Theresa

        Has Golonski been getting special favors from those school board people ? Is that why they want us to pay more to them ? He should not get any special favors just because he is the mayor.

        • Mars

          My bet is on Luddy and Telamaontes being fully supportive of Dave Golonski’s email. Those two are very snooty and think they are better than the rest of us.

  36. Karen

    The mayor’s email to Steve Ferguson is an example of cyber bullying however it is even worse because it comes from the mayor of this town. Threatening someone that they will suffer retaliation just because of who they say hellow to is class A bullying behavior.

    I want to dedicate this video to the mayor. Hoepfully he will watch it and realize that as mayor he is not the solution to our problem with bullies he is the source of the problem.

  37. Anonymous 66

    All these people are giving up their jobs at city hall because of something and I don’t think it’s due to Nolan. So what is behind it all and why are they all leaving.

    Burbank sure pays good and the benifits are great too. Never mind that Golonski was trying to cut the benifits recently the truth is so long as you are not a police officer Golonski makes sure you are not just paid but over paid.

    Why would

    1. The city Treasurer resign ?
    2. The city Clerk resign ?
    3. The city manager resign ?

    What is going on and why isn’t anyone telling us what it is ? The rumors I hear are that all of them left because Golonski has ordered them around like children. He has screamed at them, berated them and threatened them and they have all had it and they left.

  38. Anonymous

    Emily will say mein fuher good job, after all she is under fuher

  39. Sharon

    I don’t think that Gordon would ever send an email like this to anybody – ever. That”s why they won’t make Gordon mayor. Gordon is not rude, inconsiderate and he doesn’t send emails out that threaten people ordering them who they can and can not talk to. Being a buly must be a requirement if you want to be Burbank mayor.

  40. Council watcher2

    We all keep wondering why Mayor Golonski is so involved with the school board race when he is up for re-election? It makes no sense unless it is all about him getting special favors for years from Burbank public schools.

    Why does Golonski have a male son over 20 years old attending a Burbank public middle school? How does the school allow Golonski’s son to bully other children, harass them, and even put a plastic bag over another child’s head? Why do they allow Golonski’s son to spit on other children? Why does the school have to hire extra help and make special schedules to keep Golonski’s son away from certain children? Why does the school have to hire people to watch him to prevent problems?

    The answer is that Golonski is a control freak and wants to control the Burbank schools to his benefit. His concerned is not for the good of the schools, but what the schools will do for him and his adult son. His pressure on the schools is about demanding baby sitting for his over 20 year old son while exposing the children to serious injuries and the school district to lawsuits.

    • semichorus

      By law, the school district is required to provide personal services to special needs students. It’s a big expense for them– they even have to send them to special schools if necessary.

      As to the particulars here, I have no idea. It’s a family issue, so I’ll stay away from it unless DG brings it up.

    • Sam

      Personally I think he is trying to interfere with the schools so that he can destroy them just like he has destroyed our city. Don’t tell me that Golonski was not part of putting the cop on the school board.

  41. Harry

    I’m sure providing for special needs kids has some age limitation. What is that age limitation ? I don’t think special needs students just remain in grade school, middle school or high school forever so there must be age limitations and the school district needs to address what those age limitations are and if Golonski is taking advantage beyond those age limitations he had better get ready to reimburse the schools for what the costs after that time amount to.

  42. chad

    Completely agree Semi.

  43. Anonymous

    I know Nolan’s history and I’ve never heard him be unsupportive of parent with a handicapped child. In fact he’s an advocate most times to protect the rights of the parent and child against unjust policies.

  44. Anonymous 7

    Nolan has spoken up for and helped more homeless people and veterans than Dave Golonski ever has or ever will.

    • Toad

      I think we take the computer away from the mayor and forbid him from sending anymore emails to anyone. I would not trust him with a pen and paper either at this point.

      • Ron

        After reading the email Mayor Golonski sent to Ferguson I would classify the mayor’s email as hate mail. Has the mayor apologized for his insane email he sent ?

        • semichorus

          At first last night I thought he appeared chastened by the whole ordeal– the Golonski hate-train was really pulling away from the station fully loaded.

          But at the end, it was apparent by his slam-job against Nolan that he’s going to play hardball. He’s getting even more self-righteous and silly. There’s no contrition.

          Just watch– my prediction is that by election season he’ll be having the police haul people out of the chambers. And to the cheers of his supporters.

  45. Anonymous

    There goes Golonski again tonight after Nolan. What makes Golonski think his sh@#t doesn’t stink when everybody knows his smells worse than anyone else in Burbank Golonski is the classic kettle calling the pot black.

  46. Fox

    I believe that this mayor should get his nose out of the schools and leave Mr Nolan alone. The mayors email is disturbing and really does not read like a person that should be entrusted with the duties of mayor.

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