The real lowdown on council salaries (updated)

Oh, boo hoo.

In light of the recent Bell scandals, we’re getting sick and tired of hearing our own city council members always priding themselves (with no small degree of self-abnegation, of course) about how little they’re getting paid. You’d think it was a volunteer job the way one or two of them have been carrying on lately, in particular Jess Talamantes and Gary Bric.

One of the figures we’ve been hearing over and over from them is how they only get something like $1,200 a month each for all of this thankless work on behalf of the People. Dave Golonski laughingly quoted this figure a few months ago as if it were a pittance and a bother to him, and the rest of the poor dears all sat there sighing along with him (except, as usual, Dr. Gordon).

Naturally, none of them have been telling the public the whole story, and if you knew how much they really got in total remuneration then the only conclusion you’d come to is that they must think we’re stupid out here. Or at least their staff does, the ones who feed them these bogus numbers with a smile. So let’s break it down a bit by the use of published data from a few years back, and which does not appear on the city’s new self-congratulatory web page on salaries.

Working from year 2005 numbers– the latest we can get– each council member received $975 a month back then, for an annual total of $11,134. That’s pretty tough, eh, considering that Glendale next door gets something like $30,000 a year, and Bell an amount that was somewhere close to infinity?

Not so fast. Here’s an excerpt from another local blog about these civically-minded pobrecitos of ours. Hang on to your handkerchiefs:

After the debacle in the City of Bell, I dropped a note to Burbank’s Public Information Officer, Keith Sterling, and asked what city officials made.

Each Councilmember in Burbank receives a salary of $12,899 a year. Not close to the $100,000 a year they were making in Bell, and not really that much when you consider how much a Councilmember does in this city.

Besides the Tuesday night council meeting that you see, they are there many hours in advance in closed sessions, besides the amount of research and paperwork that are sent to every member before meetings. Add to this all of the events that they get to and you see that this money is well earned.

Of course, the Mayor at the time, who receives no extra money, is at EVERY event during that year, sometimes as many as 250 in a year. You will never hear any complaints either, because they really are trying to do the right thing for the citizens in Burbank. Decisions aside that you may agree or disagree with, these people earn their pay.

Excuse us while we dab our eyes. How can the poor things even find the wherewithal to get up in the morning?

Like a lot of things in town, this summary is complete b.s., which should be no surprise considering that it came out of the Public Information Office. There’s a whole lot more to the real story that even our 2005 numbers play down. So in addition to these pitiful salaries, the council also receives:

1) Extensive health and welfare benefits, including family,

2) A car allowance that varies according to position,

3) Life insurance,

4) An annual medical exam,

5) Generous pension benefits for a part-time job, and

6) Assorted other goodies that are lumped together in a small total.

In 2005 the council members received health and dental benefits that cost the city $8,445 a year each. The mayor received a $185 monthly car allowance, the vice-mayor got $145, and the rank and file members got $125. Along with a few others not mentioned, the total amount of these fringe benefits–not counting the car allowance– was $11,134, an amount that with the car allowance included well exceeded their annual base salary!

And remember, these numbers are five years old. Bennies like health insurance have skyrocketed in the interval even if their salaries haven’t. And although the council can opt-out of getting their own health benefits, we’re not aware of anyone who has done so (like who in their right mind would these days?)

The only time in fact that we’ve ever heard of a council member refusing to take a fringe benefit is back when Ted McConkey was first elected in 1995. In that case he refused to collect the car allowance because he was lobbying to get rid of it. But when this reform idea went nowhere he soon said to hell with it, and after a year or so he began to get paid for keeping his old car on the road.

“I’m not stupid,” he told us the time, about why he’d changed his mind.

Well some of the rest of us aren’t either. So the next time the council-majority tries to tell us about how little they’re getting paid for putting up with this major aggravation from the rest of us, just remember that their fringe benefits are bigger than their salaries.

Still got those hankies? Here’s the rest of that forlorn article:

Burbank’s City Manager, Mike Flad receives a salary of $217,799 for his duties. I think it is sad that we need to report that in public but after the Bell problems, citizens of Burbank should know that he receives one fourth of the salary as the Bell City Manager for a population three times larger than Bell’s.

Many ordinary citizens do not know Flad, although he grew up here in Burbank and worked his way up through the Park & Recreation Dept. He is not looking for publicity, but you will find him at most events to support many different groups.

You may also think he makes a lot of money for a public employee, but you have to remember he has a 24/7 job, and running a city the size of Burbank is like running a major corporation. Not only does he need to know about what challenges there are daily, he has to know how to negotiate labor contracts for different unions as well as keep on top of al other legal matters, such as the problems currently facing the police department.

Flad is also very approachable and any time I have talked with him he is very knowledgeable about all subjects and will always give you a straight answer. He has an entire city to watch over, as well as the welfare of all the citizens and between himself and his deputies, does an outstanding job.

So while it is to bad that we need to talk about salaries, it is still the publics right to know where their money is being spent. When you look at how the recession has hit many cities, with layoffs and many services decreased, you will see that money is well spent when you consider the state of the City of Burbank and the people who lead it.

Somebody actually wrote this last summer.


Somebody just noticed that we left out money. The council members also get $25 a piece for each Redevelopment Agency meeting. So those 30-second spots once or twice a month gets them some extra dough on top of the rest. Plus all that Gourmet 88, or wherever they go now at break.


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24 responses to “The real lowdown on council salaries (updated)

  1. Going Nuts

    Flad salary is fine. The fact that he is corrupt is the problem.

  2. Chad

    Still, the council folks don’t get that much. You get what you pay for.

    • DixieFlyer

      Time to check those “blank pages” in the “encyclopedia”.

      Previous City Council Members served our City quite well when they made $25 per meeting.

      NO extra compensation for serving as the Redevelopment Agency.

      Honorable Members of our City Council were proud to represent US.

      Many of US are still Proud of them.

      And the Fruits of their Labors.

      • semichorus

        You mean like Charlie Compton– those guys?

        I forgot about the Redevelopment money– that’s right– it’s $25 more on those nights and days.

  3. Pat

    I’d like to hear more about their pension benefits.

  4. DixieFlyer

    Let’s see now……

    They can’t invoke POBAR,

    They can’t claim “pending litigation”,

    They might claim “threatened litigation”,

    They could claim “anticipated litigation”,

    They could claim “National Security”

    I’ve got it, they can claim “I dunna know”.

    (P.S. How about Cal Pers!?!)

  5. Dirty Mary2

    It has never been the amount of money the council members receive — the problem is that except for Dr. Gordon the council members don’t bother to read what they are voting on, if they did there would be more questions. As a taxpayer I’d be happy to have better paid council people if they would do their jobs instead of being beholding to developers or the studios for business and jobs. We might get some people who were actually interested in working for the people in Burbank instead of working for the “staff” and the special interests.

  6. Chad

    So we should go back to having virtual volunteers working on the city council? I think those days are gone but let me check god and I’ll get back to you.

  7. DixieFlyer

    Usual mindless babble.

    You obviously don’t seem to have a regard for Charlie Compton.

    Maybe if he was a birdwatcher, he’d tell you that pattern changes are USUAL after a drought cycle.

    He’d also tell you that you could meander over to Sepulveda Basin and observe all manner of “birds” actively utilizing the “Pacific Flyway”.

    We had harder working dedicated Members WITH PRIDE serving US–without the fancy compensation.

    When you jump to your “conclusions” you usually waste others time.

  8. Realism

    Unpaid council members mean that only the rich get to serve – usually their rich buddies. A living wage for council members means that working class people can participate in the process. Really most council members get too little, as you cannot hold a normal full time job and represent the people as a council member. So, we don’t get working class people or young people with families. Really, anyone who can get elected by the people should be allowed to serve, which is not possible now. It’s a shame and it’s undemocratic.

  9. Chad

    Dixie writes, “When you jump to your “conclusions” you usually waste others time.” I’d suggest that I certainly don’t waste your time as I’ve become your whipping boy upon which you craft some bizarre online persona. Dixie, we’re both pathetic. It’s Saturday night and we’re doing this………

  10. Chad

    No offense Realism vis a vis my snarky response to King Dixie. And, great points. You said it much better than I could have.

  11. DixieFlyer

    Ever since the “salary” came into play we’ve attracted several folks who had never attended past Presentations, a few until after Orals.

    The commitment of time is a REQUIREMENT.

    Whatever the compensation, the ACCOUNTABILITY is missing.

    Local “community” papers haven’t helped folks follow the action.

    Where are the Chamber types or Board of Realty types during the evolution of the Police Mess?

    Arguing a “class consciousness” won’t improve the performance by osmosis


  12. Chad

    Dixie wrote, “Whatever the compensation, the ACCOUNTABILITY is missing.” I hope you’re sitting down……I agree.

  13. Taxpayer

    In all honesty the salary we pay people like the city manager is OBSCENE. For a town the size of Burbank many people go without dinner one night a week to pay the liks of the the city manager and city attorney and let’s not forget that fat cow that runs the water and power business scam.

  14. BobRumson

    You guys can’t do any of your own homework, can you?

    Its all spelled out for you.

    • semichorus

      And that changes exactly what? That the council-majority isn’t lying when they claim they only get $1100 a month? They never talk about the rest of the story.

  15. Resident

    Pers Retirements are totally out of control. In the real world such things don’t exist and if we as citizens are smart they will stop existing in the world of public service. By the way Public Service should be called public rip off in todays world.

    • semichorus

      People need pensions when they get old.

      In the real world such things DID exist until the Reagan 80’s, when private sector employers started destroying unions and shafting their employees bigtime.

      The problem isn’t PERS or STRS, it’s

      a) the awful Wall Street economy that sabotaged their investments, and

      b) Private sector employers that won’t be happy until everyone’s making $7 an hour and there’s no middle class left any more. (Of course, then who’s gonna all buy their goods and services…?)

      The way to make things better is to lift EVERYONE up, and not knock everyone down to nothing. And unless things change in that direction this country’s headed for a big fall, and very soon.

      • Resident

        Semi while I agree with you somewhat where I disagree is in the blame being placed on wall street. The sad truth is pension money never should have been placed into the stock market for any reason because the stock market is always a gamble and the funds can be lost. Infact the funds were lost in a bad gamble and the retirement funds should never have been gambled with period.

  16. Chad

    ….and we don’t make anything anymore. Thank you Semi. Completely agree.

  17. Chad

    There’s now a growing concern that banks don’t know who owns the bundled mortgage instruments. Ireland is crashing. Gird your loins because a serious poop storm is coming.

  18. Semi's Conscious

    Semi, you are a clown. Nearly every discussion on this site is negative. It makes me wonder what type a person you are. You attack anyone and anything. I assume you do this either for entertainment value (and readership) and/or to escape your own problems. Due to it’s anonymity, a blog serves as a perfect platform for you to bitch and complain. At first I thought it was funny, but now, it’s just plain sad! Get a life.

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