The ‘Times’ prints their story

As some people have already mentioned, the L.A. Times today printed their story on the Burbank Police Department. It’s right here.

A quick read of it and the first thing that pops out is that they just focused on the department itself and conveniently left out most of the civilians. There is very little detail of the discrimination lawsuits at all, only that they had been filed by some of the “Portos” guys, and nothing much about the many employee claims of official retaliation.

There’s also nothing in detail about the Guatemalan beating case, only a reference to a “friend” of the Chief’s. The surprise here is that this case and the related internal burglary is reportedly the subject of an FBI investigation. The article also buys into the description of the one-million dollar Gibson Dunn fee as a consultancy rather than what it really is, which is their desperate, high-priced legal defense, or to put it better, a down payment retainer on it. You can bet that there’s a lot more strategizing going on with that money than any handwringing concern over what went wrong in the past, or deep sociological scrutiny about how to make things better. Those kind of things don’t get budgeted for a mil.

The article also relies way too much on Dahlia’s charges about Portos, but leaves out his “we’re just letting off steam” racial comments in the recent deposition– the ones that inadvertently slam the whole departmental ethos and only adds fuel to the plaintiff’s fire.

All in all– the Times told a limited and restricted version of the story. They left out most of the details from the lawsuits and the later depositions, and they seemed to think that the occasional beating of a Mexican or a supposedly recent tradition of police brutality is the biggest problem we have down there.

Notice how the article also makes it appear as if these big problems are post-Portos, rather than being the final public manifestation of a long-festering political culture. If anything, things were worse for Mexicans 25 years ago!

The rumors that this article was cut down in fear of Burbank’s wrath is not an idle one. It happened before. About 10 years ago the city called a meeting down at the News Press headquarters in Glendale, and made it clear to the staff that if they didn’t tone down their pro-gadfly coverage in light of the airport issue, then the city would be taking all of its lucrative public notices elsewhere– such as maybe the Daily News.

It worked, too– from that point on you didn’t see too many quotations from vocal critics like Mike Nolan or David Pirolli, which you had before.

The Times had done this same wimp-out act a few years earlier, right after they bought the old paper in the early 90s. The schools reporter at the time had been doing a great job with a long series of BUSD-bashing articles that detailed ad nauseum their many ethnic relations problems and the reactions of local critics. But within a week of their purchase she was suddenly being assigned to write puff-pieces about the exciting Burroughs cheerleading squad and how wonderful the girls were. There was no more bad publicity for quite awhile, and that was no coincidence.

Any theories on what the topic was of Mayor Gary Bric’s luncheon last week with the managing editor of the Leader? Bric reported out at the council meeting that they had a good talk.

By the way, how does the Times know that “Federal Investigations” have revealed anything about Burbank? Are they in yet? (not that we know of). And what role did the two authors of this article play? Writer and … editor?

Any ideas about what the Times cut out from their original story? Anyone interviewed about a topic that wasn’t mentioned?


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30 responses to “The ‘Times’ prints their story

  1. Leonidas

    LOL LOL , so the article didn’t go the way you wanted. I was waiting for your rant as soon as I read the Times article yesterday morning. You will definetely being crying a lot about other things. I can’t wait to hear the excuses.

    • semi-

      The article was hardly flattering to the City.

      • Lee

        I agree. This officer “LEO” is probably one of the officers to blame for what the LA Times calls “nepotism”, “cronyism” and “turmoil”. Hardly something to be proud of.

        Why are you so happy Leo, because they didn’t mention the BPOA? Don’t worry I am sure there is a lot more time for all the rest of your racist buddies not mentioned in this article.

        Isn’t Stehr one of the guys you defend? He sure doesn’t look good in this news piece.


      No excuses, just the truth that its a white world and people like you are the ones that the story should be focused on.

  2. Irwin Fletcher

    Maybe they’ll do a follow up that is more focused on city hall- but if I were an outsider (ie. non resident), I would be alarmed at the amount of information in this article. It’s a good start, even if it is incomplete. Emphasizing Gunn’s suicide definitely has a major impact on how serious this article is.


    Semi, you are 100% correct

  4. Citizen Cane

    It appears that Semi’s blog titles “How it all Started to Unravel” last fall, had more information than the LA Times article. The LA Times article is still very damaging to the City and the Police Department. I can’t see how anyone wins with this one. The in fighting in the department, the cover ups, the double standards, and the discrimination, do not shine well for Chief Stehr and the chiefs before him.

    I know Ofc. Jones from some of her public forum events with the department. I always thought she presented herself very well. There was never an indication of there being any race related issues within the department. I just learned she left the department for another police agency. Seeing her and her presentations, I felt the police department was a shining example of a discrimination free agency. I guess I was wrong.

    • Going Nuts

      Last I heard Vee Jones was ready to talk and it isn’t about happy days.

      I agree Citizen. Semi was right on months ago.

  5. Leonidas

    Ok people listen up. The majority of you lack the communication skills necessary to be effective readers and listeners. That is a major reason why your arguments are weak. Then you have to resort that I am a problem, racist, part of the “cronyism”, etc…

    I agree the article was hardly flattering to the city. Who wanted this type of article? Unfortunately, it was anywhere to your liking so you criticize it because it has nothing to your agenda.

    You all can bring up your discrimination issues, until you are all blue in the face. The discrimination issue was a smoke screen from the get go. If there was rampant issues why weren’t they brought up years ago by Rodriguez and Taylor? They had been working for the old chief for quite a long time. They were his “right hand” leaders for a quite a long time too. Why all of the sudden is there racial issues in April 2009? Is it because Porto’s was being brought up again?

    The burglary issue was handled during the Hoefel era. If you want to lump up Hoefel with the current administation then so be it.

    Why would the LA Times want quotes from Nolan and Peroli? They are constant complainers and other than the fans of this blog site does anyone really value their comments? If people are so high on them, then run for council.

    Semi, your conspiracy theory between Bric and the Leader/Times is a farce. If you really believe Bric is going to influence an exclusive article about the Burbank Police Department, I have got some beachfront property in Tijuana for you. Nothing Bric had to say was going to change the direction of the Times. They were going to print the article no matter how good or bad it was for the city.

    Going through the comments, there is mention about BPOA? basketball team? What are the points? There is mention of my racist buddies? So because I don’t agree with Semi, Rodriguez, Taylor, etc.. I am a racist or have racist friends?

    Let me reinforce with you (since most of you have either selective or short term memory): I don’t care for the city council or city manager. I particularly don’t care for Golonski, Talamontes, and Reinke. I really don’t care much for your leader, Dr. Gordon. There are people at the City Attorney’s Office, I don’t care for either. Juli Scott is one that comes to mind. I believed Stehr had to go. I believe the adminstration failed also. I do not or have ever condoned any type of discrimination or any harassment of any kind. I believe if there is or was any harassment or discrimination, there should be some type of punishment. So what else do you want? I am acknowledging that there were and have been problems at the department. But a lot of you seem to turn the other cheek when you hear that some of the officers that you support were major contributors to these departmental problems.

    Officer Jones was a good public relations officer with the department. She decided to leave the department. Your friend Omar would bash her thinking she wasn’t much of a police officer and had no future as a supervisor. We will see if she talks. I don’t think she was discriminated against. I don’t think she had the proper skills to effectively supervise. If she would have taken the detectives test and then been a detective, she would have been going in right direction. She then could have had a good shot at being a supervisor. She refused to take the last detective test.

    I know you all hate the reality of the situation but continue flaming away.

    • semichorus

      I don’t think it takes much of a conspiracy for the city to pressure the Leader or its parent company into toning down their unflattering news articles. Not sure if it happened here, but it’s happened before.

      For instance, less than a week after we noted editor Dan Evans “good times” margarita lunch with Dennis Barlow on his Twitter page, the Leader suddenly prints a pre-emptive attack on Christopher Dunn, one that (mis)states his confidential personnel file material, to the benefit of the city?

      That PR fest was no coincidence. And the Leader has breathed not a word about the Ramos depo, either. It’s been sleepytime over there.

      About Pirolli and Nolan, they were very active in the ROAR debate. The paper used to quote them extensively, as well as a few others. But after the famous city “meeting” they suddenly left them out of the mix and started toning down their anti-establishment pieces. They also went back to referring to council critics as “gadflies,” a condescending term that they had dropped 10 years earlier.

      Case in point? The Daily News did a great job in reporting on the $100 Cusamano land deal, while the Leader treated it like a downtown triumph.


  6. Leonidas

    One thing that I did forget to put was minorities in supervision. Out of the 19 sergeants, 9 are minority. That is a whopping 47% minority sergeants. There are also 4 lieutenants in the department that are a minority. So what is this discrimination issue about promotability?

  7. Going Nuts

    Officer Leonidas, that was the most civil (well mabye) response you have made since you have been on this blog. No direct attacks, no name calling, etc… Good for you. Rumor has it “Leonidas” is a group of officers using the same handle so who knows. Regardless, whoever you are today is constructive so here is your response.

    Your logic has a few good points (this time) but falls short. You say that you agree that the department has problems and you mention names all the way to city hall. Have you come forward officially and made complaints about these officials? Where are the investigations of the city officials and Chief Stehr?

    You said you havn’t condoned retaliation or discrimination, but you havn’t stopped it. Are police officers supposed to “protect” and “serve”? Does that exclude other police officers?

    Why are you not speaking out against Juli Scott and Co who continue violate police officers rights? Are you the type of officer that you talk so much crap about? You will only stand up when you are in trouble.

    You say that Stehr had to go. Did you sign the petition for his vote of no confidence? Or did you watch why others risked their careers?

    Why do you always mention Rodriguez and not Dahlia who admitted to using the “N” word to describe African Americans as “letting off steam.”

    Why do you not mention Parrinello who admitted to conspiring with the chief to remove Bill Taylor? Even Anthony Valento and Marsha Ramos verify this. How do you know what really happened with Bill Taylor? Were you there? Were you at any of the officers situations where misconduct occurred?

    I especially like the fact that the burglaries (it is plural – there was more than one) occurred on Hofel’s watch so forget about it. I guess your idea of dated justice applies to the Herrera beating case too. Speaking of that…why all the disperate treatment? Why is Bill Taylor on admin leave? He didn’t beat anybody and wasn’t at any scene of Portos that I can tell. Many officers, like Dermenjian were and they are still working. If somone is under investigation then fine…but don’t put them out just because they are reporting things.

    Are you a minority? How do you know what it is like to walk in Jamal Childs shoes or anybody who has heard racial comments before?

    Bottom line, after all the things I have heard, read and seen, the city is engaging in a campaign of lies and retaliation. It is evident that they are only seeking justice for those they deem “troublemakers”. I think at this point it is good this Portos happened. This incident seems to have exposed a dirty department. The problem remains that those in power can’t pick and choose the “Burbank Boys”, exclude themselves and their friends from justice. I have heard bad things about a lot of other officers for months and none of those officers get mentioned by you. Nepotism?

    You said “The adminstration failed”. Well then that means inherently some people were done wrong. Who are the victims? Don’t say there are not any, that would be impossible.

    So go back and tell your buddies that everyone needs to stand up and be a cop, stop lying about what they did or didn’t do, and don’t discredit officers for feeling mistreated.

    Remember, “Justice is blind.”

  8. Jessie

    I learned some things when I was reading the LA Times story but I think they really should do more stories because there is so much more to report about.

    I don’t get why cops would be punished for reporting things. that’s their job right ? If I understand all of this it sounds like cops get busted for reporting crime and rewarded for staying silent about crime. That’s just crazy.

  9. Ralf

    Many problem with racism in the United States. I think many police officer are racist and many government officials hire racist police officers to enforce the racism they believe in. The officials of the Burbank City are maybe racists and some do not know about that yet.

    • Techdude

      Wow that’s a new one. So you really think a city will select the most racist officers it can to further their racist ways? Must be an interesting recruiting process.

  10. Burbank Watch Dog

    The City’s PR Dept. is working overtime to spin this story. Listen to KFI’s Bill Carroll interview with Interim Chief LaChasse & Burbank Leader reporter Christopher Cadelago starting at 38 minutes.

    • Techdude

      Watch Dog, the podcast was worth wading through Carroll”s other dialogue to hear the interview with the chief. I agree, the PR dept is on the job trying to paint a new picture. Can’t say I’m too impressed so far. I think every time I’ve heard the chief quoted he’s saying the 12 hour shifts are to blame for a lot of the issues. Is that right? Aren’t all police departments working these same shifts?

    • Beth

      It really sounds like the psychological tests before a person is hired as a police officer do not work very well at all.

      The man on this radio story really doesn’t understand what the issues are in Burbank at.

      If the city is meeting with Federal Officials to offer reform policies doesn’t that mean there are real problems ? The city hiring a private investigator troubles me, I really am suspicious that a private man was hired to do what he is told by some very corrupt officials.

      The radio man may believe that the FBI is looking into 12 officers but I suspect they are looking at much more than that.

    • Tim

      I hope the dude does keep following the story because he sure has it wrong so far. Great that he got some off air calls from the BPOA but when this all blows up and out he will start talking a very different line.

  11. Techdude

    One word sums up my take on this long awaited and much hyped article: disappointing. It has far less detail than many of the blog lines.

  12. kit carson

    Interim Chief LaChasse says he going to go through the upper management and clean house, I hope that also goes for the City Manager’s exwife, she is responsible for poor leadership herself and wreaking havoc on the civilian side of the Police Department. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and handles the civilians in that Department with no respect and a heavy hand in administrative investigations. She is so much like her old boss in the Human Services Department and she should know better, but she will probably deny everything and take no responsibility like the poor leader she is.

    • Duck

      Government in Burbank is filled with do as I say and not as I do people. They all must go.

      • Lee

        I agree. Its the only way to be impartial and make sure you get all the crooks.

        I must say that I am dissapointed in this new chief. Seems he was full of steam. Now he is just towing the party line.

  13. Leonidas

    Well I guess we will have to disagree. The LA Times does not give a crap about the City of Burbank. They are in a business. So they are going to do what’s in their best interest. Pretty plain and simple. The Leader hasn’t breathed any info about any depo so why should Ramos’ depo be singled out? Again my point about Nolan and Peroli stands, the general public could give a hoot about them. They love to get in front of the camera and speak. If they had any juice they would be part of the City of Burbank’s City Government. They don’t so they are known as “gadflies.”

    Watch Dog, thanks for the link. I agree with Techdude, that the 3/12 is not the cause for the problems. LAPD didnt like the 3/12 so the Chief doesn’t. There are MANY police agencies that work the 3/12 and have no real issues.

    Going Nuts, I have always been civil. You continue to make assertions that are not true. I will repeat again for you. I am and no one else is Leonidas. I do care about all this crap going on at the department. I am sick of it. Unless you work here, you dont know the half of it. Do you work here? I am going to answer your questions. I hope you are fair and answer the ones I have presented to you.

    Yes, I have come forward and I don’t know what is going on with the old chief and the city officials. I am not privy to that info. I would hope so but I don’t have the say so.

    I absolutely will stop and report any discrimination or harassment. Again, this is overexaggerated. Unless you are here, you have no clue what you are talking about.

    If Scott or any other person is violating police officer rights, they can contact their BPOA representative. I think a great deal of time officers have their attorney present with them. If they don’t like it they can fight it. There are tough sanctions for violations of police offficer rights. I am not there but again I think it is an overexaggeration. If not, they officer will be rich for the damages.

    No ones career was threatened by signing any petition against Stehr. Not one person. So that theory is blown out. Stehr needed to go and was going to go regardless of any petition. He would have left at the end of the year regardless of any petition.

    I haven’t heard Dahlia use the N word so how am I going to comment about that? I have never heard anyone use a derogatory term towards any citizen or officer in my tenure. Have I heard terms used? Who hasn’t but never directed towards an officer or citizen. Everyone one has heard them from time to time, don’t kid yourself. Also, the crap about Stehr using the N word was a joke. He said the word in making reference that it was not acceptable. Of course you bite and take it for the wrong way. Would I have said it in the same setting? Probably not but it was not used in the way, most of you portray it to have been used.

    I have never heard or seen anything about Parrinelo admitting to conspiring to have Taylor removed. Taylor made his own little bed with his conduct and affiliations. Valento and Ramos have no clue about anything just their interpretations of what they think happened. What you don’t understand is the crap was hitting the fan with the Porto’s. Mr. Rodriguez had to make a strike (aka distraction) because of what was going to happen. So he goes to Ramos. So this was the evolution of the Rodriguez’ smudge campaign. Rodriguez knew he was toast, so he had to take everyone down with him.

    Burglaries, they were investigated. What can I say? You dont think they were properly. I don’t know enough about them but it there was misconduct, there would have been accountability. Go ahead and laugh all you want. You think people were running around her rampant and never punished. That wasn’t true. I agree the punishment was not fairly administered to each person. It was not uniform at all.

    Why is Taylor on admin leave? I have no idea. I could only speculate. I think he obviously did stuff that was detrimental to the organization. Wasn’t it the new chief who put him on Admin leave? I don’t know why a bunch of people are not on Admin Leave. I think that they should be absolutely. I think a lot of officers are asking why too. You really have to get off your high horse and quit sipping the kool aid about Taylor. He is not as good of a man as you portray him. He made some serious mistakes and should have never aligned himself with Rodriguez. Rodriguez was using him 100%.

    Jamal Childs, I have never heard anyone say anything to him derogatory.

    Porto’s was a horrible thing for this department but it was only a select group that did these alleged bad things. They are being investigated. If they did anything wrong, they should and will be held accountable.

    Who are the Victims? That is a pretty simple question. The victims are the officers who come to work everyday, work hard, and follow the law. Those are the great majority of the department.

    Now for my questions, you have made statements about the basketball team, BPOA, Burbank Boys, etc.. So what does the basketball team had to do with any of this? what does BPOA have to do with any of this? Who are the Burbank Boys? Were you aware that Rodriguez had pretty much free rein and was consulted regularly by Stehr. So I have no clue what you are talking about. I know you like to put blame on others. Do you work at BPD? I answered your questions, I think its only fair you do too.

    In closing, Mr Nuts, I find it very ironic that you get your panties all in a bunch when talked down to. It is alright for you to call me a liar and make your futile attempt to belittle me. Fortunately, I dont give a crap what you think. So please continue gulping your kool aid and your flame outs.

  14. rugsby

    The los angeles times doesn’t give a crap about burbank but then again the burbank council doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of burbank either.

    The la times and the city of burbank are both big corporations that have become nothing more than blood suckers.

  15. Youthful

    I don’t believe for one second that this Portos thing is some isolated event. Sorry!

  16. Cry me a river

    Leo said “”Who are the Victims? That is a pretty simple question. The victims are the officers who come to work everyday, work hard, and follow the law. Those are the great majority of the department.””

    I don’t agree at all. The victims are the poor citizens who get the bad officers in their face and violating their rights.

    I suppose you think wife beaters are the real victims in those cases to ?

  17. Richard Nixon

    Mags seems to be the blog’s resident ignorant racist. You have a lot to learn son. Judging from your comments, your are full of hatred.

    • magsinburbank

      Hey Dick,
      Obviously you have nothing constructive to add to the blog, so you decided to pick on someone. Tag I’m it. Pray tell, how came you call me an ignorant racist if you don’t know me. I state what I know- not what I think or what I wish for. Unlike some people I never lower myself to call people names. It is possible to learn from an enemy things we can’t learn from a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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