So why isn’t Trump being held to any standards today?



Digby gets it right.

The decision to have the moderators sit like a couple of potted plants woodenly asking questions about child care while Trump responded with irrelevant lies was inexplicable. Why did they even bother to ask questions at all? They could have just run the timer and let the candidates talk for two minutes each about anything they wanted. It probably would have been more enlightening.

According to former CNN media reporter Brian Stelter, CNN is very happy with how it went. He wrote, “A CNN exec in the control room texts me: “We are very proud of Jake and Dana. Our job was to make sure candidates were heard so voters can make informed decisions and we are pleased we were able to do that.” Actually, CNN inadvertently became one of the greatest disseminators of disinformation in American political history. Millions of people heard Donald Trump’s lies and since they were met with silence from the journalists on the stage upon whom people depend to tell them the facts, many of them probably came away believing he must have been telling the truth.

Even had Joe Biden been at the top of his game, he would not have been able to parry all those lies and he shouldn’t have been put in the role of being Donald Trump’s fact checker. His choice was to either ignore the lies and let them stand so he could use his time to make his own case or spend the entire debate correcting the record. It was not a fair fight.


What could Biden have done differently last night? Reasoning with a psychotic liar is like trying to reason with a drunk, even on your best days.

Ever tried to do it? It’s a hopeless task. All that happens is they get even crazier on you. And then everyone around who hears it gets mad at you as if you’re the one who’s the creep and the asshole. You’re the one who doesn’t know how to act. And worse, you have zero existence of your own — you’re not allowed to. They’ve sucked all the air out of the room.

The question of the age: Why do people now always side with and favor the drunks and the fuck-ups? They always get a pass. We’ve been seeing this develop for years and it’s destructive as hell.

One thing we do know — they all deserve each other. People in this country deserve everything they’re going to get if that Republican lunatic gets elected again.





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One response to “So why isn’t Trump being held to any standards today?

  1. Anonymous

    Biden lied frequently last night.

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