She’s anti-union management

Super management.

Btw– with these five new “Trustee Districts” they just set up, where is Burbank going to find the minimum 10 qualified candidates it needs to run in them?

No one was thinking there, were they.

People have figured that out, haven’t they, that she’s totally and completely management??

She ain’t been working for labor.


For nearly 20-years, Markarian has leveraged her legal background to support public entities effectively negotiate with bargaining units, implement performance management solutions, mitigate risk, optimize innovative solutions, and establish transparency and accountability with the community. She currently serves as a Director of Labor and Employee Relations and Chief Negotiator. In this role, she oversees the Human Resources, Employee Relations and Risk Management functions of a public entity with an annual budget of over 1.8-billion dollars. It is this experience, and a deeply rooted love for her community, that she will leverage for the benefit of the Burbank Unified School District.


Ha ha.

Let’s translate that passage. She’s the one in charge of hassling the employees who they want to hassle by trying to figure out how to do it within the law, and then she works to screw the unions as best she can at negotiations time.

Yes, that’s her job.

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