So you can’t do any of this stuff yourself?

Like, on your own?

None of this so-called assistance is necessary if you know what to look for or can trace out the general idea of what it is you need to find. How come people can’t or don’t want to?



Imagine relying upon these technical gimmicks by not doing it yourself. And then imagine trusting the results as being at all comprehensive, let alone accurate.

But then, people also don’t look at maps any more to see where they physically are in regards to the big picture. They just let some disembodied voice bark out commands to them about where to go. And it’s usually (with most direction apps) some weird, creepy version of a someone’s angry, humorless idea of a woman.

Ever really listened to to those manufactured voices? Those female service voices are always so stern and militaristic, like they just got home from sniper school before you called them up asking for help. Exactly whose creepy ideal is that? Pretty soon people are going to start naturally emulating them.

You’ll be able to chat with Siri as a friend now? Fuck Siri. Unless Siri can be a friend with benefits she can get the hell lost.

This really has become a culture that positively deserves Donald Trump. Everybody enthusiastically buying into all of this technocratic awfulness — keep the hell away from us.

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