What they really wanted to do was direct

Even with everyone trying to get into the act — TV/film and business management are the only two impacted majors at CSUN right now, amazingly — the paradox is that there’s absolutely no competition anywhere.



What does this even mean?


According to a statement on the brand’s website, the coffee giant has always been a proponent of storytelling. Christy Cain, vice president of brand and partnerships marketing, said in the statement that Starbucks fosters “human connection and joy,” and the production company will allow it to advance that mission and “to nurture the limitless possibilities of human connection.”


Connect with whom? You’re much better off being alone.


The chain isn’t going it alone, however. Starbucks will be partnering with Sugar23, a media company founded by Michael Sugar, an Oscar-winning producer known for films like Spotlight and Collateral Beauty, who also specializes in bridging the gap between brands and entertainment.

“Storytelling is deeply ingrained in what Starbucks does, and Starbucks Studios is a natural extension of these efforts,” Sugar said in the announcement. “Together, we will harness the power of storytelling to foster connections, inspire change, and build a stronger sense of community. We’re excited to work alongside the incredible Starbucks team and invite all our collaborators in Hollywood and beyond to join us in creating premium entertainment.”

Fuck storytelling, fuck connections, and (above all now) fuck community. We’re not that crazy about change, either.

None of this corporate jargon has anything to do with art. It has nothing to do with anything. It’s toxic and deadly and clear head-up-your-ass territory.

“I wanted the infrastructure in place to be able to uniquely and completely service artists,” Sugar told TheWrap. “I have lived my entire career in the service of storytellers. … This company was designed not to leave any stones unturned anymore.”


That sounds like a threat.

This is kind of psychotic, isn’t it?

This looks like one of those old metal washing machine knobs that the moms used to use when we were kids. You’re supposed to lift it up and spin it around and they always ended up getting rusted.



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