Look, you’re famous

These are the highlighted video links on the main NBC News feed that’s coming out of New York tonight.

You’re up there with Hamas and Hunter Biden:


The next council meeting is in two weeks.

But don’t waste your time worrying about it if you happen to be interested in this story. That’s because everyone down there is going to be hiding behind each other feverishly citing whatever “confidentiality” and “Open Meetings” laws they can in order to avoid dealing with this subject in public.

No one’s going to say or do anything — except spout off the same CYA boilerplate they’ve already put into writing.

Keep in mind too that the Burbank City Council has absolutely no power over the police department. It was designed that way, and reinforced as such several years ago during the official city charter “committee’s” decisions and changes.

We put this word in quotes because all that group did was rubber stamp the “suggestions” that staff had submitted to them — which was to consolidate more un-elected power at city hall.

Staff even wanted the Burbank city clerk to not be elected any more. Council appointment only — no voter choice.

Now why was that ….?

Because this cynical proposal lost at the polls, what they do now instead is make sure that the old city clerk retires when their term is still ongoing and well before it expires. That way the council can appoint their replacement, and then the replacement becomes the favored incumbent at the next election — which of course always turns into a voter retention.

Council vacancies are now council appointments — no more days of the voters deciding who gets into a suddenly open slot. They did that one right after Dr. Gordon beat out the (favored) Bill Wiggins to replace Stacey Murphy.

The local establishment was in horror. “No, not Dr. Gordon!!” And so they changed the city charter to make sure that this could never happen again. All replacements are now appointed.

True story. We told you it was a chickenshit town.


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One response to “Look, you’re famous

  1. Anonymous

    Oh! I just love when you say that!

    You always use it at just the right time!!!

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